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World News

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American Fascism - Butler Shaffer on big business vs. free markets. / Has the Militarist Right Found Its New Warlord? - Will Grigg on Allen West, the belligerent, double-dipping congressman. / Is There a Right To Live Where You Want? - Of course not,

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The Wall Street Journal

Egypt has announced it's intentions to eventually open its border to Gaza which will allow Rafah smuggling tunnels to continue operating while Egypt opens relations with Israel's enemies: Iran and Hamas.

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The Political Commentator, Michael Haltman

Nice diversion for some, but we have bigger fish (and chips) to fry in America! Tradition, ceremony and history are all well and good, but when it comes to The Royal Wedding, Americans don't really seem to care. No matter how much the media try'

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Europe and the US, is doing much the same in Libya, the Cote d'Ivoire situation needs to be looked at anew, especially in light of late reports indicate fighting has broken out among the very forces of Alissane Ouattara that overthrew and arrested th

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Fortune smiles upon Santa Cruz. With abundant natural gas reserves that generate immense wealth for the local economy, some of the best weather in South America, and ....

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Thousands continue to take to the streets across Syria, despite reform pledges by president Bashar al-Assad. We bring you the latest news from our correspondents and other sources.

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Thai and Cambodian troops have clashed with gunfire and artillery shells, shattering a two-month lull in long-standing tensions over their disputed border. The fighting broke out near Ta Muean Tom temple on the border in Pa Nom Dong Rak district of T
