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World News

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One of the concepts that I think is long overdue is that of an arcology. It is actually what Walt Disney originally planned for Epcot City at Disney World. They thought him crazy then -- now, not so much. This is what I think Apple should have design

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WORLD | The idea of immortality has been one of mankind's greatest desires since the beginning of time. No one can yet make a single human live forever, but what if you could pass your genetic material onto future generations? Irit Rosenblum is

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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AlterNet's Lynne Stuart Parramore sits down with Gary Franchi to discuss the looming crisis the Generation Xers and Millennials will face when they reach retirement age.

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
Article Image, By Eric Margolis

F*** Europe!” Such were the words used in Kiev, Ukraine by Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

While we are sure it is a very sad coincidence, on the day when Argentina decrees limits on the FX positions banks can hold and the Argentine Central Bank's reserves accounting is questioned publically, a massive fire - killing 9 people - has destroy