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Media: Internet

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Next New Network

A new 24 hour news network is rising up to replace the old media, a network dedicated to broadcasting a liberty-based message. Watch this exclusive message to get insider information about the progress of the Next Network and how you can be a part of

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...since the mainstream media, for the most part, does absolutely nothing to truly inform the American citizenry regarding the incessant assaults against their liberties from the miscreants inside the Beltway, it is left to independent journalists an

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Thanks to the free market of the internet, capitalism, and social media, I am able to be me, and profit from it. It is truly something that makes me thankful.

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youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog)

Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to find out where Obama supporters really stand on his policies. Now he did this in an underhanded way where the policies where presented to be Romney's, but this was only done to get an honest opinion.

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Terrence Aym

According to Internet traffic analysis, Mat Drudge's popular Drudge Report news site is one of the most profitable in the world of its type and is actually giving "the Old Gray Lady"—the iconic New York Times—a literal run for its money. What is e

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym