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Central Intelligence Agency

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Prison Planet

Investigative journalist and former NSA contractor Wayne Madsen told Press TV on Monday the latest Ebola outbreak in Africa may be a resurfacing of an earlier infection linked to the CIA.

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The movie, "Kill the Messenger," is forcing the mainstream U.S. media to confront one of its most shameful episodes, the suppression of a major national security scandal implicating Ronald Reagan's CIA....

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The mainstream news media's reaction to the new movie, "Kill the Messenger," has been tepid, not surprising given the MSM comes across as the film's most unsympathetic villain as it crushes journalist Gary Webb for digging up

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Jonathan Turley

Risen was targeted after he wrote about a failed CIA operation to disrupt Iran's nuclear weapons program. Democrats who decried such actions under Bush have largely remained silent in the face of a far worse record under Obama.

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Members of the German media are paid by the CIA in return for spinning the news in a way that support US interests, and some German outlets are nothing more than PR appendages of NATO...

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STARTS FRIDAY. Thriller based on the true story of the shady origins of the men who started the crack epidemic on the nation's streets…and further alleges the CIA was aware of major dealers who were smuggling cocaine into the US

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With Hollywood set to release a movie about the Contra-cocaine scandal and the destruction of journalist Gary Webb, an internal CIA report surfaced showing how the spy agency manipulated the mainstream media

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Ever since the post-World War II grafting of the national-security apparatus onto America's governmental structure, the assumption of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA has been that Americans who oppose national-security state policies and practic

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Associated Press

The CIA has curbed spying on friendly governments in Western Europe in response to the furor over a German caught selling secrets to the United States and the Edward Snowden revelations of classified information held by

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The United States is a "desperate" and "crumbling" imperial power that is using terrorist groups like ISIL to break up its foreign adversaries, with Russia being the next potential target, an analyst in Maine says.

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