Howard Stern Loves Ron Paul
• LewRockwell BlogAnd good for Stern, he concentrates on Ron's foreign policy of peace and non-intervention. Listen, but note that there is, this being Howard, some bad language.
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And good for Stern, he concentrates on Ron's foreign policy of peace and non-intervention. Listen, but note that there is, this being Howard, some bad language.
Watch Rupert Murdoch as he discusses his plan of attack with o reilly, hanity & others following Ron Pauls victory over Rudy Giuliani in Iowa. He's not happy!!
The man claims that Luntz was slamming Paul to focus group members, and according to Melissa Bailey of the New Haven Independent, threatened to publish the video on his web site:
Michael Bloomberg, who is expected to decide sometime in the next eight weeks whether to launch an independent bid for the US presidency, is on Monday meeting leading members of both main political parties who have expressed deep frustration with the
"When we become believers, it's as if we have signed up to be part of God's Army, to be soldiers for Christ," Huckabee told the enthusiastic audience.
Aside from the endorsement of other anti illegal immigration organizations, Mothers Against Illegal Aliens a/k/a (MAIA), does not and will not offer its endorsement to any candidate for President of the Unites States at this time.
ron paul supporters chase hannity protesting fox news exclusion of paul, and hannity sucks
This is a video from New Hampshire, a great rally you can feel the intensity. The passion is clear, its great to see this. I am continually amazed and thought to my self , hey i am far from alone in my beliefs. the girl around the 3:30 mark is the be
After the Fox Forum in New Hampshire, the one in which Ron Paul was not invited and in what seems a careless maneuver, Fox News’ Frank Luntz is using what appears to be a plant, or an actor in the ‘focus groups’.
Ron Paul Town Hall Meeting - Manchester, New Hampshire, Jan. 6, 2008 THe campaign's response to being barred from the FOX debate.
The United States military could stay in Iraq for "maybe a hundred years" and that "would be fine with me," John McCain told two hundred or so people at a town hall meeting in Derry, New Hampshire. Toward the end of this session,
The ABC/GOP debate in New Hampshire showed few surprises, but did bring some heated discussions as the candidates pulled out all the right wing talking points in the final push for votes. The format being used by ABC lent itself well to actual conver
Monday, January 7, 2008 in Arizona and Utah is the LAST day to register Republican if you plan to vote for Ron Paul in the Presidential primary. Update: Online registration reportedly not working.
We must communicate with everyone we can in every opportunity we have to share Dr. Paul's message and emphasize his widespread support. I hope the suggestions in this article help you add this to your efforts as well.
Wyoming GOP county conventions gave their delegates to Romney, Thompson, McCain, and Hunter. But Ron Paul never stood a chance there. We shouldn't have expected anything from Wyoming. Most observers didn't understand the rules.
Ron Paul supporter shows his pole at last night's ABC debate
Oh no you're not.
A New Hampshire Opportunity!!
Ron Paul earns 14% of the vote and Mike Huckabee gets 11% as the only other candidates in double digits. Rudy Giuliani attracts 8% of the vote, Fred Thompson 5%, some other candidate 2%....
Presidential candidate Ron Paul commented on his exclusion from a Fox News forum encouraged supporters to keep up the pressure on the network to reverse their decision and slamming the network's claim of being fair and balanced as "beyond a
I've never seen anything like this. Look at the bottom of this email page where there is an unprecedented pitch for Ron Paul!
According to the official Ron Paul 2008 campaign website, Ron Paul will appear on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on January 7, one day before the New Hampshire primaries.
The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign praises the New Hampshire Republican Party's decision to pull its sponsorship of the Fox News forum in protest of Fox's decision to exclude Congressman Ron Paul.
Rudy Giuliani, speaking about his sixth place finish in Iowa yesterday: "None of this worries me -- Sept. 11, there were times I was worried." As a GOP operative I know loves to say, the man has "9/11 Tourettes." Can't help hi
A soldier explains HONOR
Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich filed a complaint with the FCC on Friday after ABC News excluded him, fellow Democrat Mike Gravel and Republican Duncan Hunter from its prime-time debates on Saturday. Kucinich argued that ABC is viol
Strange bedfellows abound. One of the state’s most urban and Democratic counties, Denver, has aligned with some of the most rural and Republican counties in raising concerns about a mandatory all-mail system. Denver’s city clerk, Stephanie Y. O’Malle
During the Iowa coverage Thurs. night, Shepard Smith and Greta van Susteren, along with Susan Estrich, discussed the exclusion of Ron Paul from an upcoming forum on Fox, and whether Fox should reconsider.
Ron Paul critic and opponent Mike Renzulli gives the Texas Representative and Presidential candidate a second look.