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It isn’t clear how Mike Huckabee’s Baptist outlook influenced his decisions on taxes, education or transportation, but his record in granting clemency and pardons demonstrates the dangers of religious zealotry in power.

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The blimp features a slogan that reads, "Who is Ron Paul?" the 200-foot-long blimp (larger than the famous Goodyear blimp) promotes the Texas congressman's Republican presidential bid. It was launched from the TCOM base in Elizabeth Cit

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Just a little somethin' to spread the word through free advertising for Ron Paul. This took about 40 hours, counting body work, to complete. An ALL NIGHTER from 7:00pm to 1:30pm to paint the car a few weeks ago. Tryin' to do anything we can d

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The Des Moines Register informed the campaign that Kucinich is not invited because the newspaper determined “that a person working out of his home did not meet our criteria for a campaign office and full-time paid staff in Iowa,” the campaign said.

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By MEAD GRUVER, Associated Press Writer

CHEYENNE, Wyo. - The nation's presidential delegate selection process begins this week in Wyoming, where Republicans are choosing several people to attend county conventions next month where the national delegates will be chosen.

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Lew Rockwell(Donna Voltile)

You may not like the gift wrapping but the contents are what you wrote on your wish list. End the War, Bring the Troops Home Now, No War For Oil, or for Israel, Do Not Attack Iran, Restore The Constitution and The Rule of Law, No to the Patriot

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I recently spent a significant sum of money running a full-page advertisement in USA Today supporting the candidacy of Ron Paul for President of the United States. Several people have asked me why I did it, so I have decided to explain my reasoning.

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Press Telegram

It was bound to happen: Some smart Republican campaign strategist was bound to see the opportunities buried in the arcane new rules that party adopted four years ago for its Feb. 5 presidential primary. We just didn't expect it would be Ron Paul*