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By MATTHEW BARAKAT, Associated Press Writer

If Iran continues on its current course, Cheney said the U.S. and other nations are "prepared to impose serious consequences." The vice president made no specific reference to military action.

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Bloody Mary Breakfast

Jaywalking doesn't make your entire existence illegal. So, why do people insist that a similar infraction does?

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Raw Story

New questions are being raised about political operatives who have promoted President Bush's Iraq war agenda and their role in spreading "good news" about Iraq, illustrating a public relations revolving door among the GOP,White House, a

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BBC Documentary

A very informative documentary about the real cause of global warming. It clearly discuss about the fact that CO2 is not cause of global ... all » warming. Take a look also at the Great Global Warming Swindle and Green House Conspiracy in google vide

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(Publisher's note: Now I know what "lying by omission" means) Just received a call from an organization allegedly called "One Million Republicans". The young lady said she had a statement, followed by a poll.

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ABC News

U.S. military officials in Iraq tell ABC News that a rocket used in an attack on coalition headquarters at Camp Victory Tuesday was made in Iran. Officials say the rocket, which narrowly missed its target, was fired from an area of Baghdad controlled

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Lew Rockwell Blog(Video)

Robert Greenwald put this montage to show Fox News continuing culpability in aggression towards both Iran and Iraq. Fair and balanced, my gults!!

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Freedom in our Time(Will Grigg)

John Kreisel of Vadnais Heights, Minnesota lost both of his legs in Fallujah last December. A roadside bomb detonated beneath his Humvee, killing two of Kreisels buddies, Spc. Bryan McDonough, and Spc. Corey Rystad. Kreisel is a man in his mid-20**

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Fox News

I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the US. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. 90 days at the

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Myers, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John P. Abizaid, former head of U.S. forces in the Middle East, and former Special Operations commander General Bryan Douglas Brown testified today under oath with Rumsfeld.

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Miami Herald - AP

WASHINGTON -- And the leading Republican presidential candidate is ... none of the above. ( Gee,... I wonder if Ron Paul was included in the poll. Let me see,.... NOPE! :) Can you smell the bad guy's FEAR?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

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VIDEO: Special Comment By Keith Olbermann

You have by now heard the remark — instantly added to our through -the- looking -glass lexicon of the 21st century, a time when we suddenly started referring to this country as “the homeland,” as if anybody here has used that term since Charles Lindb

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Raw Story

Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates has scrapped an institution established by his predecessor Donald Rumsfeld to rapidly counter messages in the press that the Pentagon considered negative, according to a report in Friday's Washington Times.

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East Valley Tribune

Question: Why wasn’t Republican Ron Paul included in the East Valley Tribune’s story today about the Rocky Mountain Poll on presidential candidates? (send them an email,... or not. Irrelevant is the first word that comes to mind)

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The San Antonio, Texas, radio broadcasting and billboard advertising giant said Friday that its board accepted an amended buyout offer from Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners worth $28 billion in cash and assumed debt

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Butler Shaffer - for

I have grown weary of the war-lovers taking over every holiday and exploiting them for their own deadly ambitions. Turning July 4th into a celebration of militaristic statism (see the old Bing Crosby musical Holiday Inn) was bad enough. But ...

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Global Reseach

The US government and Washington elites are aggressively ramping up their "war or terrorism" rhetoric and propaganda, stoking fear and paranoia in order bolster its war agenda, and reinvigorate the mass public perception of new and growing