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Washington Post

It will take years for the Army and Marine Corps to recover from what some officials privately have called a "death spiral," in which the ever more rapid pace of war-zone rotations has consumed 40% of their total gear, wearied troops and le

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by Paul Craig Roberts (AntiWar)

The first confession released by the Bush regime's Military Tribunals – of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – has discredited the entire process. A Northwestern Univ. law professor likens Mohammed's confession to Stalin's show trials of Bolshevik l

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The Independent Institute

Since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security its budget ought to be included in any complete accounting of defense costs. After all, the homeland is what most of us want the government to defend in the first place.

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National Journal

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is considering a plan to curtail the Pentagon's clandestine spying activties, which were expanded by his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, after the 9/11 attacks. The undercover work allowed military

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One World

A US plan to develop a new hydrogen bomb could spark production of new nuclear weapons by other countries, including several foes of the Bush adminstration, warn some of the nation's leading arms control and disarmament advocacy groups.

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A US Army medic who refused to return to Iraq because of his opposition to the war was convicted of desertion at his court martial Tueday, and could face as long as seven years in prison. Spc Agustin Aguayo, whose case has been closely

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McClatchy News

Stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the National Guard is less prepared now than it's ever been to respond to a major terrorist attack, a natural disaster or another domestic crisis, a congressionally appointed panel has found.

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Army Times

Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center’s Medical Hold Unit say they have been told they will wake up at 6 a.m. every morning and have their rooms ready for inspection at 7 a.m., and that they must not speak to the media.

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Washington Post

Top officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, including the Army's surgeon general, have heard complaints about outpatient neglect from family members, veterans groups and members of Congress for more than three years.

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Strained by the demands of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is significant risk that the US military won't be able to quickly and fully respond to yet another crisis. The assessment, done by the nation's top military officer, Gen. Peter Pa

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Britain's senior naval officer in the Persian Gulf has revealed that Royal Navy deployments in the region have doubled since October in a build-up that matches the rapid escalation of American maritime firepower. Commodore Keith Winstanley

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Times Online

Some of America's most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources. Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an a

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Prime Minister Tony Blair has lobbied the US to install parts of its missile defense system in Britain, arguing it would offer protection for Europe. "We welcome the plans to locate further missile defense assets in Europe, which are part of

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NY Times

In the nearly 2 years Cpl. John Callahan of the Army was away from home, his wife had two extramarital affairs. She failed to pay his credit card bills. Their 2 children were sent to live with her parents as their home life deteriorated.

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by Laurence M. Vance (LewRockwell)

If it is true, as Ambrose Bierce said, "War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography," then empire must be God’s way of making Americans masters of the subject since the US now has troops in 159 different regions of the world.

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by Chalmers Johnson (AlterNet)

With more than 2,500,000 U.S. personnel serving across the planet and military bases spread across each continent, it's time to face up to the fact that our American democracy has spawned a global empire.

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Washington Post

By law, the $100,000 benefit goes first to a spouse or a child. So 9-year-old Kayla Jaenke collects the $100,000 -- plus $400,000 in life insurance -- after she turns 18, leaving Susan Jaenke to ask, "What about the next 9 years?" In som

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According to data compiled by the Pentagon, the Army and Marine Corps are letting in more recruits with criminal records. That includes some with felony convictions. The military routinely grants waivers to admit recruits who have criminal record

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by Jeff Paterson (LewRockwell)

[more, and worth reading] The day after the prosecution rested a presented case against Lt. Watada for "missing movement" and "conduct unbecoming an officer," the prosecution requested and got in essence a "do-over."

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