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The Guardian's award-winning photographer and filmmaker Sean Smith spent two months embedded with US troops in Baghdad and Anbar province. His harrowing documentary exposes the exhaustion and disillusionment of the soldiers.

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(Wow, this is an old one)US forces have fired so many bullets in Iraq and Afghanistan - an estimated 250,000 for every insurgent killed - that American ammunition-makers cannot keep up with demand. As a result the US is having to import supplies fro

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Radical Liberatioin Blog

As I look around for a leader to replace Bush, I have to go back and see who was making sounder judgments than I during the time of 9/11 hysteria. It wasn't any of the "top tier candidates," Democrat or Republican. That person was Ron

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CBS News

A complete US withdrawal from Iraq would take more than 2 years if the military brought all its equipment home, and less than 1 year if it left most if it behind, according to a study just presented to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Defense officials sa

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Lew Rockwell(Tom Engelhardt)

As the editor of Chalmers Johnson's Blowback Trilogy for the American Empire Project, I was struck by an oddity when the second volume, The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism,Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, was published in 2004

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Detailed schematics of a military detainee holding facility in southern Iraq. Geographical surveys and aerial photographs of two military airfields outside Baghdad. Plans for a new fuel farm at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. The military calls it

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New York Sun

The Navy is making plans to reduce the American presence in the Persian Gulf by the end of the summer to a single carrier group, down from the two carrier groups in the Gulf. The preparation to reduce the American presence in the Persain Gulf

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Wired Blog

After the recent revelations about all those military contractors working in Iraq and inside the CIA, maybe it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to learn that Pentagon's office for beating improvised bombs is packed with outsiders-for-hire

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Rogue Government

The Bush administration now looks as if it is preparing the ground work to implement what many have referred to as a back door draft. Recently the adminstration has issued muster orders to a group of Army veterans who are in the Individual Ready Res

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Wired Blog

It's not just the troops that are surging. War costs are up for American operatioins in Iraq and Afghanistan -- way up, more than a third higher than last year. In the first half of this fiscal year, the Defense Dept's "average monthly

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Russia has successfully tested a new, sea-based ballistic missile from a nuclear submarine, officials have said. The weapon, capable of breaching anti-missile defence systems, flew almost the whole length of the country. US plans to build a missile
