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Amanda Bennett and her husband were passionate and full of life all throughout their lives together -- and up until the final days, too. Bennett gives a sweet yet powerful talk on why, for the loved ones of the dying, having hope for a happy ending s

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The Independent Institute/Anthony Gregory

Anthony is an Anarcho-libertarian writer, scholar, musician, and fan of food and culture. Anthony is a Research Fellow and Student Programs Director at the Independent Institute and the author of the Institute book The Power of Habeas Corpus In Ameri

News Link • Global Reported By Donna Hancock
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Are you fed up with Government and its interference in your life? Eager to do something about it? Lampoon The System is a political satire site...

Article Image, By Robert Murray-Smith

Being such a fascinating material lots of people are interested in it and it has become something of a mystery that is generally thought of as being something only an expensive lab can produce.

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The best mob story ever told does not involve Al Capone or Bugsy Segal or John Gotti. It involves a mobster few American have ever heard of, Greg Scarpa by name, and his not quite as lethal son, Greg Scarpa Jr., “Junior” going forward.

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The Guardian

Alain Badiou is one of the most prominent figures in contemporary French philosophy. In his short book Ethics he attempts to show that the principles of modern liberal democracy reinforces an ideology of the status quo because....

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This is a fascinating interview with Hannah Arendt. So much of what she says here is very relevant for us today: From witnessing decent people going along with, or even actively supporting, an evil regime, to being attacked for the "tone" (rather tha

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I know many readers are interested in setting up and running a small homestead on small acreage and The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre, can help to get you started in the right direction.

Home Grown Food