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Sept 22nd, we launched the Indiegogo campaign to get the ball rolling for the American Campfire Freedom Tour. It's an honor to know that we can pull this off because we can count on the support of people like you.

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You know the official story about the world that we?re supposed to believe? You know - that governments are always good and necessary, that politicians only do what they do because they love us so very much, that the police only exist to serve and pr

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Why is there something instead of nothing? In other words: Why does the universe exist (and why are we in it)? Philosopher and writer Jim Holt follows this question toward three possible answers. Or four. Or none

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...I want to recommend Bill Bonner's Hormageddon as strongly as I can. Bill does what a real economist is supposed to do: he describes the way the world actually works. And in the process, debunks all manner of nonsense. This book is an education in

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It was a distinct and unexpected pleasure to see the recent LRC article by Ira Katz extolling the virtues of Sir Harry Flashman, V.C. Distinct because the Flashman Papers, a series of books written by the late George MacDonald Fraser, are a personal

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I continue with my review of The Rise and Decline of the State, by Martin Van Creveld. The introduction can be found here.

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Patent trolls are stifling innovation.

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My fellow booksellers in these parts were recently advised to research and stock books created under the auspices of the FDR-era "Federal Writers' Project," a tax-and-spend-and-elect outfit created in 1935 as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Pro

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I return to "From Dawn to Decadence" by Jacques Barzun. As a brief introduction for those who did not see my earlier post:

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Many observers, including author Roger Stone in his LRC podcast interview with Lew Rockwell today, believe that James Brady was the unfortunate collateral damage of the Bush-engineered assassination attempt on the life of Ronald Reagan.

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In a recent article of mine about Christians apologists for the state, its military, and its wars, I mentioned, for the first time I believe, the term "nuclear Christian."