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Welcome to 2015, the year that speaking and writing freely had to stop. Anything that might cause trauma to anyone of any race except the white one will be expunged, and the perpetrators of politically incorrect speech or written words will be airbru

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If you think retirement communities are populated by brainwashed old farts in golf carts who go to church twice a week to assure themselves a place in an imagined hereafter, prepare yourself for a new perspective.

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Wesley K. Clark, a retired U.S. Army general and former NATO supreme allied commander, has sallied forth with wildly naive or misplaced views about the United States and China in his new book, "Don't Wait for the Next War:

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To Grover Cleveland: SIR, --- Your inaugural address is probably as honest, sensible, and consistent a one as that of any president within the last fifty years, or, perhaps, as any since the foundation of the government.

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At any given moment, the "window" includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.

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Loren Lomasky's frenetic and almost hysterical review of Hans-Hermann Hoppe's A Theory of Capitalism and Socialism ("The Argument from Mere Argument," September 1989) is an amusing if unwitting vindication of Hoppe's method of exposing "p