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Street Cop Methods for Terrorist Interdiction   The terrorism threat hasn't changed. This is still an active war. Although our nation has not been successfully attacked (due to the efforts of counter-terrorism operations world-wide) within the last eight years, doesn't mean we are not at risk. Quite the opposite I would argue. We have entered a period of time where the average American has been lulled asleep by the absence of a spectacular terrorist event. Terrorists use apathy to their advantage. In particular, Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda, and host of other terrorist networks, have been known to wait years before launching an attack. During this period of downtime, they meticulously plan their next catastrophic event. Keep in mind that Bin Laden declared War against the U.S. in 1996, but 9/11 didn't happen until 2001. Terrorists are evil, intelligent and deadly, but not infallible.

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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Before fleeing, the assailants shot two tanks of cooking gas that exploded, burning the teenage taco stand worker to death, the spokesman said on condition of anonymity because his office does not allow him to give his name. Four other people were injured. 

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Osama bin Laden threatened Americans in a new audio tape, saying President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. by ordering Pakistan to crack down on militants in Swat Valley and block Islamic law there.

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How easy is it for you,your family and friends to now be labeled a domestic terrorist? Take the fun quiz and find out if your now a enemy of the state. What can you do if you are labeled as one. Can you now be jailed forever without even a trail? We answer all these questions and also get the opinion from the fellows from

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Max Keiser

Great video from @aollytheoctopus and a group entertaining the Security Services and the CIA in London. This is quite funny

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NY Times

President Obama has decided to keep the military commission system that his predecessor created to try suspected terrorists but will ask Congress to expand the rights of defendants to contest the charges against them, officials briefed on the plan sa

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5 men were convicted of plotting to join forces with al-Qaida to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and bomb FBI offices in hopes of igniting an anti-government insurrection. The jury in Miami acquitted another member of the so-called "Liberty Ci

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The operation, carried out by the Defense Department and designed to capture one of the president's planes near national landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, sent panicked New Yorkers rushing from their office buildings. But now the photo-op wi

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A number of buildings in New York City were evacuated Monday morning after a trio of low-flying planes flew near the Statue of Liberty. An Air Force One lookalike flew low over Manhattan accompanied by two F-16 fighters, so Air Force photographers co

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One of the president's official planes and a supersonic fighter jet zoomed past the lower Manhattan skyline in a flash just as the work day was beginning Monday. Within minutes, startled financial workers streamed out of their offices, fearing a