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Mondo Frazier

Maybe when Janet Napolitano said “the system worked” and then, hours later, “the system failed miserably”, she was right both times. Which system was the Secretary of DHS referring to? It might have been just a case of the “if-onlys”.

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2 federal agencies charged with keeping potential terrorists off airplanes and out of the country have been without their top leaders for nearly a year. It took the Obama administration more than 8 months to nominate anyone to lead the Transportation

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President Obama vowed to use "every element of our national power" to keep Americans safe and said the failed Christmas Day plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner was "a serious reminder" of the need to continually adapt security measures against c

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MORE Obama “Smart Power”: The USA’s substitution of wishful thinking for foreign policy is evident in US reactions to Iran’s meddling in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. [NOTE: This piece was sent in by the author before the attempted bombing of NWA 523 which

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Buffalohair Gazette International

As the Obama administration showboats their concerns for air safety while offering even more restrictions on Americans, the truth begins to show its ugly head. Eye witness Kurt Haskell of New Port Michigan told another story of blatant disregard for

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FOX News

Tensions are running high after Friday's attempted terror attack aboard an airplane, and those fears sparked a security scare at Sky Harbor Airport Saturday night -- and 2 men had to be pulled off a plane who were Middle Eastern and acting suspicious

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JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS [link to] MERRY MUSLIM GREETINGS TO OBAMA’S AMERICA by Dr. Paul L. Williams, The Last Crusade Further proof to support President Barack Obama’s assertion that America is no longer a Judeo-Christi

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NY Times

Of the 779 known detainees who have been held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba — terrorism suspects, sympathizers of Al Qaeda, people deemed enemy combatants by the United States military — only one was a journalist. The journalist, Sami al-Hajj, was worki

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Photography Is Not a Crime

He demands to know why she was filming and she tells him she is filming for fun. “You’re basically filming for fun? I don’t believe you,” he tells her. He asks if he can take a look at what she is filming and she says no. He then becomes con

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Worldnet Daily

Jihad maneuvers taught at New York compound A new video released by the Christian Action Network shows Muslim women at a compound in New York state practicing throat-slitting techniques and assault weapons attacks. The video was distributed by t
