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A general Middle East War could bring $10/per gallon gas prices to America. The world's economy, already headed to a global depression, will be thrust into the worst depression in human history.

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“I think we need to do something to get engaged with these guys,” Fallon said. Iraq shared a 900-mile border with Iran, and he needed guidance and a strategy for dealing with the Iranians. “Well,” Bush said, “these are assholes.”

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The Bush adminstration on Wednesday slapped financial sanctions on Iran's largest state-owned shipping line and its affiliates for allegedly helping to transfer military-related arms and cargo. The departments of State and Treasury

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A military base on the Island of Qeshm would allow Russia to monitor the United States' and NATO's activities in the Persian Gulf zone. With the help of special equipment Russia could effectively monitor who is sailing toward this sea bottlen

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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blog

That is correct. The most evil human being on the planet according to the Neocons. And he has his own blog. And you can comment on it. The President of Iran. I am trying to imagine commenting on President Bush's blog, . . . or reading it.

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Iran said it had sent a rocket carrying a dummy satellite into space, triggering fresh concern in Washington that the technology could be diverted to ballistic missiles. The launch is likely to further exacerbate tensions with the West over its nucle

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When U.S. officials appeal to the Iranian people over the heads of its regime, they like to assume that Tehran's defiance on the nuclear issue reflects only the extremist position of an unrepresentative revolutionary leadership. Plainly, they hav

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European Business

Operation Brimstone ended only one week ago. This was the joint US/UK/French naval war games in the Atlantic Ocean preparing for a naval blockade of Iran and the likely resulting war in the Persian Gulf area. The massive war games included a US Navy

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LA Times

Bush administration officials reassured Israel's defense minister this week that the United States has not abandoned all possibility of a military attack on Iran, despite widespread Israeli concern that Washington has begun softening its position

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But in a rare signal of solidarity with the current Republican administration, Obama told a news conference in Paris on Friday that Iran should not wait for the next U.S. president to try to reach a deal over its nuclear program.

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TEL AVIV, July 23 (Reuters) - Iran is set to receive an advanced Russian-made anti-aircraft system by year-end that could help fend off any preemptive strikes against its nuclear facilities, senior Israeli defence sources said on Wednesday.