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Israel is involved in a covert war of sabotage inside Iran to try to delay Tehran's alleged attempts to develop a nuclear weapon. Israel planned to target Iranian nuclear scientists with letter bombs and poisoned packages and had set off explosio

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Washington Post

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton plunged into her first day of intensive diplomacy, meeting separately with the foreign ministers of Britain and Germany and receiving a trip report from her Middle East envoy.

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Iran’s enthusiasm for nuclear weapons and rockets is not the type of good news any of us want to read about. We used to dream that such weapons could be kept out of the hands of apparent sociopaths and that it would be possible to keep us all safe.

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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President Barack Obama presented a humble and conciliatory face of America to the Islamic world in the first formal interview since he assumed office, stressing his own Muslim ties and hopes for a Palestinian state, and avoiding a belligerent tone

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Iranian banks illegally shifted billions of dollars through American financial institutions in recent years, and the authorities suspect some of the money may have been used to finance Iranian nuclear and missile programs. Details of the illicit tra

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Under such an agreement, the United States would promise to use nuclear weapons against Iran should Israel be atomically attacked. Obama's secretary of State, Sen. Hillary Clinton, promised a similar "massive response" should Israel com

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Iran has converted financial reserves into gold to avoid future problems, an adviser to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in comments published on Saturday, after the price of oil fell more than 60 percent from a peak in July.

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

On Sept. 23, the neo-conservative chiefs of the Washington Post’s editorial page mourned, in a tone much like what one hears on the death of a close friend, that “a military strike by the United States or Israel [on Iran is not] likely in the coming

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New York Times

International nuclear inspectors are investigating whether a Russian scientist helped Iran conduct complex experiments on how to detonate a nuclear weapon, according to European and American officials. As part of the investigation, inspectors at IAE