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Common Dreams

Everyone has a stake in issues like the prevention of nuclear war, and indeed of conventional war, like the potential war between Israel and Iran or the U.S. and Iran.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a simple message as he seeks a third term in office - he is a strong man and a vote for him at parliamentary elections on January 22 means Israel will be a powerful nation.

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More than 2,000 prisoners incarcerated by the Syrian authorities were being released on Wednesday in return for 48 Iranians freed by rebels after five months in captivity in what appeared to be the biggest prisoner swap since the uprising.

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The Political Commentator

An article at WND cites an Iranian Revolutionary Guard source who says that Iran has already built a nuclear bomb with the help of Russia and North Korea. Further the Islamic regime is said to be working out of seven sites that are unknown to the IAE

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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According to the report, the edict calls on Isfahan's one-and-a-half million people to leave the city “because pollution has now reached emergency levels.”

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Prison Planet

Iran on Wednesday said it had shot down two US-made RQ-11 reconnaissance drones in the past 15 months, adding to a ScanEagle drone and RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft it already claims to have captured.

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Iran’s state TV said Iran has captured another U.S. drone after it entered Iranian airspace over the Persian Gulf. Iranian forces caught the "intruding" drone, which had apparently taken off from a U.S. aircraft carrier.