Provoking Iran
Stephen LendmanIran
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After only 13 days, Iran invited international inspectors to several of its always-legitimate nuclear sites, including Arak. Fast-moving developments like these are cutting the warmongers’ belligerent rhetoric of war off at the knees. But they will r
A 5.7 magnitude earthquake on the Gulf coast near Iran's sole nuclear power plant killed seven people and injured 30 on Thursday, emergency response chief Hassan Qadami told state media.
“Iran’s Nuclear Triumph” roared the headline of the Wall Street Journal editorial. William Kristol is again quoting Churchill on Munich.
Iranian officials say White House fact sheet is ‘invalid’
Iran: It’s Not about Nuclear Weapons. Everyone says so.
At this writing, it is Friday night in Geneva, and there are press rumors that Iran and the P5+1 have overcome most but not all of the remaining major sticking points in negotiating a preliminary deal.
“Iran’s Nuclear Triumph” roared the headline of the Wall Street Journal editorial. William Kristol is again quoting Churchill on Munich.
After Failing to Kill Interim Deal, Netanyahu Looks to Engage
Hours After Deal, Ambassador Is Talking Up War
Hawkish Leadership Vow to Push Sanctions Through
"If five years from now a nuclear suitcase explodes in New York or Madrid, it will be because of the deal that was signed this morning."
"In return, Iran will be able to repatriate $4.2 billion in frozen assets, the Obama administration said.
Mossad worked closely with Saudi royals on war preparations
We'll wait a day or two and see what is being said then...
Iran and six world powers have reached a deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Here's your sports watch, kid. Sweet!
“It’s the reason why I ran for the Senate, [it] is all wrapped up in this battle. I am totally dedicated to the survival of the state of Israel in the 21st century,”
Not feeling at all chastened over his role in pushing the US into war in Iraq based on his lies and those of his neoconservative allies, William Kristol peddles more lies to push Israel into a war of its own. Kristol, is desperately egging Israel on
Demands Would Alienate Other Nations
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to assert himself over U.S. President Barack Obama as the main peacekeeper in the Iranian nuclear negotiations., just as Putin did over the chemical weapons i
For years, Iranian Shiite pilgrims arriving in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj observance would hold a demonstration denouncing what they termed “enemies of Iran,” aimed particularly at Israel and the United States. A couple of times the protests re
Aims to Reassure Israel of Willingness to Attack
Iran: 'Good Chance' for Talks to Succeed