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Washington Post

When the CIA began an "increased pressure phase" with captured terrorism suspect Abu Zubaida in the summer of 2002, it first limited the detainee's human contact to just 2 people. One was the CIA interrogator, the other a psychologist.

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Ewen MacAskill in Washington,

Insects, sleep deprivation and waterboarding among approved techniques by the Bush administration.

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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New York Review of Books

Download the text of the ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen "High Value Detainees" in CIA Custody by The International Committee of the Red Cross, along with the cover letter that accompanied it when it was transmitted to the US gover

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NY Times

A federal judge ruled prisoners held by the American military in Afghanistan have a constitutional right to challenge their imprisonment in US civilian courts, delivering a rebuke to a claim of unfettered executive power by both Bush and Obama

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NY Times

2 years ago, Mr. Bush said, “the C.I.A. used an alternative set of procedures. These procedures were designed to be safe, to comply with our laws, our Constitution and our treaty obligations. The Department of Justice reviewed the authorized methods

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Washington Post

The Supreme Court yesterday vacated a lower court's ruling that the president has the right to indefinitely detain a legal U.S. resident as a terrorism suspect, and put off a decision on one of the most expansive legal claims of the Bush administ

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An accused al-Qaida sleeper agent held for 5-1/2 years at a Navy brig in South Carolina will soon be sent to Illinois for trial in civilian court, a move the government has fought for years saying terror suspects caught in the US could be held indefi

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Washington Post

In their summary of evidence against Mohammed Sulaymon Barre, a Somali detained at Guantanamo Bay, military investigators allege that he spent several years at Osama bin Laden's compound in Sudan. But other military documents place him in Pakista

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I read most of the article you posted about the prisoners being tortured to death. Sounds a lot like what they do to our men when then capture them. But the ACLU doesn't holler about that. They might tho if it were one of their son
