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It would be as if we terraformed Venus and then prepared a group of colonists to occupy Venus who knew nothing of us. This is the story been told. It is not creditable that this story was created by a people who confronted every day with a spear i

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So far we have established a human presence on earth, but have not made them take their new role to heart. Here we have the myth or pretext under which everyone understands that there is no return to the artificial environment of their gardens.

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The Guardian

[How do dictators get their start?] History remembers Benito Mussolini as a founder member of the original Axis of Evil, the Italian dictator who ruled his country with fear and forged a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany. But a previously unknown

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The mythic idea of the tree of knowledge is introduced and from that we also are given the mythic expulsion from this cradle. After all, they have been engineered to settle on earth and to commence the terraforming of the planet. God sets him up t

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Of course, the next step in the evolving universe is the massing of matter leading to the ignition of stars. Naming lit and shadow day and night is fine and also reflects a limited language and little need to explain orbits.

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Several ancient Chinese literary documents indicate that in pre-Columbian times contact was established with the indigenous people of the Americas. One such encounter is recorded in the Shan Hai King, which was written about 2250 BCE. This document t

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Lucy Vodden, who provided the inspiration for the Beatles' classic song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds," has died after a long battle with lupus. She was 46. Mrs. Vodden's connection to the Beatles dates back to her early days, when she made friends

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One of the Photos has USN archive number (in white) partially showing in lower right. NO way these could be freshly discovered, they are US NARA Archived images. The fourth pic is of the USS Widgeon ASR-1, at the Sub Base, and th

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Washington Post

"Andy, let's take a walk," the colonel said. As they strolled through a dim apartment courtyard, Korbator handed Weber a piece of paper. Weber unfolded it. On the paper was written: U235 90 percent 600 kilos

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First off, we can forget about cypress wood, and 450 feet and pitch. These are all Bronze Age word replacements long after any original meanings were lost. This was an ellipsoidal vessel containing three decks so scale remains more or less intact. Th

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Nearly two years before the first shots were fired in the U.S. Civil War, simmering hostilities over slavery erupted on a "field of honor" in California, where a pro-slavery judge mortally wounded an anti-slavery senator in a duel. The duel showed

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News from 1930

B. Anderson, Chase Natl. Bank economist, says Fed policy of easy money will not be sustainable when business revives; suggests moderate tightening now to avoid shock of a sudden severe tightening later.Fed. Reserve member banks report brokers' loans rose $33M to $3.143B in week ended Sept. 10; total on Sept. 11, 1929 was $6.474B. Florida Bondholder's Adjustment Committee calls on owners of defaulted local bonds to accept arbitration with principle that local govt. should “pay to the full extent of its ability to pay” when fairly determined, and no more. Says full payment in many cases impossible due to string of problems in past few years including collapse of real estate boom, bank failures, storms, and Med. fly scare; local feeling is that many bonds were voted in due to high-pressure tactics by outsiders.

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The wreck of the YP-389, a converted fishing trawler, rests in about 300 feet of water in a region known as the "Graveyard of the Atlantic," where several U.S. and British naval vessels, merchant ships, and German U-boats sunk during the Battle of the Atlantic.

Six sailors died when the YP-389 was attacked by a German submarine June 19, 1942. There were 18 survivors.

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Israeli archaeologists have uncovered one of the earliest depictions of a menorah, the seven-branched candelabra that has come to symbolize Judaism, the Israel Antiquities Authority said.   The menorah was engraved in stone around 2,000 years ago and found in a synagogue recently discovered by the Sea of Galilee.

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The British Prime Minister offered a posthumous apology for the "inhumane" treatment of genius Alan Turing, the World War II codebreaker who committed suicide in 1954 after being prosecuted for homosexuality and forcibly treated with female hormones.

Article Image / Joseph R. Peden

The problems of the Roman society in ["Crisis of the 3rd Century"] were so profound, so enormous, that Roman society emerged from the 3rd century very different in almost all ways from what it had been.

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Wendy McElroy

"American history has been punctuated by periods in which the National government had to respond to sweeping social, economic and technological developments." Speaking of cyberspace as a "new tool", the government claims that technology raises new issues to which it must respond in new ways.

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Who was the first president of the United States? Ask any school child and they will readily tell you "George Washington." And of course, they would be wrong—at least technically. Washington was not inaugurated until April 30, 1789. And yet, the United States continually had functioning governments from as early as September 5, 1774 and operated as a confederated nation from as early as July 4, 1776. During that nearly fifteen year interval, Congress—first the Continental Congress and then later the Confederation Congress—was always moderated by a duly elected president. As the chief executive officer of the government of the United States, the president was recognized as the head of state. Washington was thus the fifteenth in a long line of distinguished presidents—and he led the seventeenth administration—he just happened to be the first under the current constitution. So who were the luminaries who preceded him? The following brief biographies profile th

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

It was Bretton Woods that marked the system of global economic planning that created the world economy and the summits that go with it.

"It really was an important foundation to the economic coordination we have today," said Mr. Coons, who joined a dozen other experts last month for a commemorative discussion on the 1944 "United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference" held at the New Hampshire resort.


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The Humble Libertarian

Socialism and The Obama Administration In popular conception, "left-wing" politics taken to the extreme produces Stalin, while "right-wing" politics taken to the extreme produces Hitler. What a stupid contrivance! Why should two mass-murdering autocrats end up on opposite ends of a political spectrum? The general American public seems oblivious to the fact that the word "Nazi" is an abbreviation for the "National Socialist German Workers Party." (In German, the word "national" is pronounced nawt-zi-uh-nal.) Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party were socialist. The horrors inherent in socialism have made themselves all too apparent at this point on the timeline, after a century of warfare and bloodshed unrivaled in human history- the handiwork of socialist ideology and its adherents. His socialism is part of what made Adolf Hitler so evil. There can be no argument that President Obama is likewise, a socialist.

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Ellis County Press

Well, one of the primary propaganda victories old Joe Stalin achieved during his bloody reign was to convince the world that communism and fascism were utterly unlike each other. What’s a fact is fascism is a brand of left-wing ideology. Marxism and Nazism are political mirror images, offshoots of totalitarian socialism. Contrary to left-wing myth, there is no such thing as "right-wing fascism." In the 1930s, fascism was widely viewed as "progressive" ideology championing economic modernization, active social welfare policies and an all-powerful central government, or state if you will. Both Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and German dictator Adolph Hitler were men who believed in the left. They both understood that fascism was a form of revolutionary socialism; however, what differentiated Nazism from communism was its blood-and-soil ultra-nationalism and emphasis on the consequences of race. Additionally, fascists sought to bind the private sector to stati

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