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In 2002, the retired Bedfordshire policeman – who’d had a long-running interest in the Ripper case – decided to sift through the evidence, see what could be discounted, and determine what facts remained. "When I looked through it, I thought, '

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Among dinosaurs, the biggest of the big is Argentinosaurus. This long-necked, puny-headed creature is a member of a group of giants called sauropods. This particular extinct creature measured as much as 140 feet (43 meters) long and weighed up to 90

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Backed by stunning illustrations, David Christian narrates a complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet, in a riveting 18 minutes.

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The bones of a soldier with leprosy who may have died in battle have been found in a medieval Italian cemetery, along with skeletons of men who survived blows to the head with battle-axes and maces. Studying ancient leprosy, which is caused by a

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Grabbing other people’s land and interfering in their affairs became as American as apple pie before the annexation of Texas, and “Manifest Destiny” as the engine of U.S. foreign policy.

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The four men wading ashore on a Florida beach wearing nothing but bathing trunks and German army hats looked like an unlikely invading force. They were trained in bomb-making, supplied with explosives and instructed in how to make timers from "easily

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Pajamas Media

The parallels aren't perfect, but there is much to contemplate about America when reading about the fall of the Roman empire. Some of my recent background reading includes Christopher S. Mackay’s The Breakdown of the Roman Republic: From Oligarchy

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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A U.S.-led research team may have finally located the lost city of Atlantis, the legendary metropolis believed swamped by a tsunami thousands of years ago in mud flats in southern Spain. "This is the power of tsunamis," head researcher Richard Fre

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As popular respect for political systems continues to erode, you may have noticed the statists frantically trying to deflate emerging inquiries and debates on the topic of secession.

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Today, Democratic Senator from Ohio, Sherrod Brown got up on the Senate floor and declared: “As a nation, I look back in history and some of the worst governments we’ve ever had, you know one of the the first thing they did? They went after the trad

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Becky Chandler

February 17 is the anniversary of the official end of the worthless, destructive and unnecessary War of 1812, which was a product of the treasonous betrayal by the Jeffersonian Republicans of their anti-federalist principles, and the total defeat of

News Link • Global Reported By Becky Chandler
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Sunday, February 6, marked the birth centennial of Ronald Reagan. As a Reagan biographer, I’m often asked how Reagan was different from his predecessors, Republican and Democrat, and especially in the area of foreign policy. There were many ways, but

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On March 9th, 1861, the United States was on the verge of disillusion when Abraham Lincoln arrived in Washington D.C for his first inaugural address. The states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida had all voted to

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
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Health to the Body Politick Lecture 3 [Steven Alvis' lectures are OFF the Chart ED] America’s Civil Religion Acknowledgments of God’s Hand in American History: Columbus’s Book of Prophecies Pilgrims’ Plymouth Colony A City upon a Hil

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Martin Luther King Jr. could hardly believe his eyes when he left the segregated South as a teenage college student to work on a tobacco farm in Connecticut. "On our way here we saw some things I had never anticipated to see," he wrote his father
