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Aphysician motions for me to enter the institutional labyrinth of Impfzentrum booths. Once inside, my hands press flat and sticky against my US passport, German residency title and COVID-19 vaccine card. The doctor's cobalt eyes squint beneath her

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In the weeks after Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte seized power and declared himself Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, Karl Marx sat down to write a history of the present. The purpose of this work was straightforward. Marx wanted to understand how the

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1770 British explorer Captain James Cook first sights Australia. Writes in his log book that "what we have as yet seen of this land appears rather low, and not very hilly, the face of the Country green and Woody, but the Sea shore is all a white Sa

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They found that "deficiency results in loss of specific (chemical) functions of the epitheliums concerned." In other words, these tissues no longer worked as they should. Interestingly, these changes did not occur in the liver, parenchyma of the

Article Image - Dr Mercola

The conventional medical model is beyond clueless when they believe the solution for this dilemma is better screening. This is unadulterated nonsense and fails to address the cause, which is a disruption in the microbiome that obliterates the healthy

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The regular 'US Army' by the start of 1815 comprised 36.000 men: the size of a decently sized corps by European standards. As a whole, neither its training, nor its commanders measured up to Prussian, French, or British standards. Their experienc

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Grover Cleveland was a principled classical liberal. But even while serving as president, his own Democratic Party was deserting him as the forces of statism and unlimited democracy, unleashed by the death of states' rights in 1865, were beginning

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