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Honeycutt pointed to a previous study which looked at Roundup's negative effects on gut bacteria and pointed to possible links between those effects and a number of diseases. She said that in her group's breast milk study, the sample with the highe

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With all eyes focused on the atrocities in Iraq, unarmed civilians are rioting across the world at their status quo leadership. The World Cup is tamping down hysteria modestly in Brazil (especially as they won) but the situation in Greece -

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In the 19th and early 20th century, anarchism was in many ways making strides into mainstream culture and thought. It was not through theory that this occurred, but rather through immediate expressions of one's autonomy. This revolutionary method was

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I think the practice of purposely going through roadblocks or initiating interactions with the police for the purpose of exciting them, or recording them for recording's sake, is a part of this idea; though I am not

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The Independent Institute

25 years ago, on June 4, 1989, the Chinese government launched a brutal military crackdown on student-lead demonstrations assembled in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. For 7 weeks prior, protestors swelled into the

Anarchapulco June 2024