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Associated Press

In a rare scene of disorder, Hong Kong authorities cleared out hundreds of protesters who blocked part of the city's financial district, a high-profile reflection of rising anxiety over Beijing's tightening grip on the little enclave of democracy

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Chickens buried alive. Pigs so sick that their intestines hang out of their bodies. These are some of the grisly scenes from videos taken by animal rights activists who went undercover at farms that produce food destined for dinner tables.

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Neocons are toasting primary season as a smashing success over insurgents Those victories, however, have come at a staggering cost — and Republicans are painfully aware of the price of putting down an intraparty insurrection.

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Next News Network

Comedian Russell Brand called for 50,000 protestors to stage a peaceful revolution to remove the British government from power. The remarks were made in London's Parliament Square, next to the legislative houses. He told the assembled crowd

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Dozens of Native Hawaiian speakers expressed anger and mistrust with the federal government Monday during the first of a series of meetings that could lead to the group being recognized similarly to an American Indian tribe.