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Red Tool House Homestead

In this video, I continue the conversation about the benefits and sawmill lumber over store bought lumber. The big question of legality popped up. Can you legally build with lumber you have milled yourself? The answer is yes with some very important

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Capitol Police Officers Suspended Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman announced the investigation of 35 members of the Capitol Police force and the suspension--with pay--for six of them for "their inappropriate actions during the Jan

Article Image, Book of Ours

Interstate Compacts are part of a regionalization effort, which is part of a larger agenda of global governance. The United States as we know it is changing and will likely go away.

Article Image by MN Gordon

One of the notable byproducts of the current age of unreason is the popularity of lies as a matter of public policy. We'll clarify this claim in just a moment. But first, some context is in order…

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

It has now become commonplace to accuse anyone who opposes covid lockdowns of being "antiscience."

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a government with few, limited powers. That was the purpose of enumerating the powers of the federal government.

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Cuomo Expects to 'Skate' for Nursing Home Deaths The recent admission by Melissa DeRosa, secretary to Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), that the management of the COVID pandemic was bungled and then covered up, has brought demands that Cuomo be impeached

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

Hope springs eternal for statists. When President Trump was coming into office four years ago, conservatives were filled with hope and optimism that Trump would save America from its deep morass of crises and chaos.

Article Image, By Jeffrey A. Tucker

People of the future will look back at these 11 months and be very confused. How could virtually the entire world have thrown out settled practices of civil, economic, and cultural liberties for a virus that resisted every attempt to control it?

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Biden Energy Decrees Benefit China The Biden Administration's shift away from fossil fuels and toward so-called clean energy will boost China's economy at the expense of the US economy. China currently controls 60% of the solar industry's supply
