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The Golden Truth

Dow Theory Letters publisher Richard Russell has issued an uncharacteristically bullish statement on gold. Russell, who is perhaps that most famous and enduring market newsletter publisher, called the bottom of the 1972-1974 bear market. He's proba

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We know that gold is soaring.And we know the dollar is slumping. But, did you know that year-to-date, while the S&P 500 is up 18 percent—a great showing no doubt—gold is up even more.The precious metal is up 21 percent. In other words, measured in tr

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Economic Policy Journal has put out a bit of background information on Robert Fisk, the reporter who sent gold soaring and the dollar crashing as a result of his column reporting secret meetings between the Chinese, Arabs and Russians. They are supposedly meeti

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Goldman Sachs 666

Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are leaping head-first into gold futures, do you wonder why? It should be fairly clear. If you need an explanation, feel free to get in touch. I invite any of the Evil Twin rats to comment... anonymously, of course. Come o

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Daily Reckoning

Trichet also stated that he trusts his US counterparts (big mistake!) as to their statement on the strong-dollar policy. “When the Secretary of the Treasury and our friend Ben Bernanke say that a strong dollar is in the interests of the US economy ”

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Digital Journal

There are many proponents of financial experts and public officials who support ending the Federal Reserve System and one of these men is Celente himself who believes, "We can’t print money out of thin air, backed by nothing and producing practically

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Digital Journal

Peter Schiff, President of Euro Pacific Capital and author of "Crash Proof 2.0," recently spoke with Fox Business News about this week's surge in gold prices and foreign mining stocks.

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Digital Journal

The central banks of several Asian countries that are fearful of the impact a weak dollar will have on their exports, intervened in the markets on Thursday to buy the troubled U.S. currency.

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Crude-oil futures popped back over $70 a barrel Thursday as a weaker dollar and rising equities provided new support for prices.

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Economic Policy Journal

Overnight, the U.S. dollar continued to fall against most Asian currencies, prompting a wave of foreign-exchange intervention by central banks. Things are really bad when the Philippines is propping up the dollar. The Philippines!

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Financial Times

The sharp fall in the US dollar is giving ammunition to the critics of the Obama administration and fuelling broader concerns about the erosion of America’s reserve currency status.

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The Market Ticker

But other extraordinary moves in the capital markets suggest we should take this threat to the dollar’s position very seriously. For example, China has $2.3 trillion in currency reserves (about 70% in dollars), and China knows how to get its way.

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The new order may look like the 1920s, with four or five global currencies as regional anchors – the yuan, rupee, euro, real – and the dollar first among equals but not hegemon. .

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Conspiracy theories surrounding the Fed are a dime a dozen these days. They either have to do with Goldman or the New World Order or some hidden funds. But once in a while a theory pops up that is worth some consideration.

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Economic Policy Journal

United Nations undersecretary-general for economic and social affairs, Sha Zukang, called today for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the "privilege" of building a huge trade deficit.

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Market Watch

Gold futures hit a new high on Tuesday, lifted by weakness in the dollar after Australia hiked interest rates and after a report that Gulf-area oil producers, along with China, Russia, Japan and France, are planning to eventually end dollar-based oil

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The Independent

In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading

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