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Justice and Judges

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Bruno has retained a lawyer! After personally interviewing a half dozen lawyers and fielding recommendations by a multitude of supporters, Bruno met with and retained a Defense Attorney.

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When speaking to the wife of an attorney recently about my project for judicial improvements, she stated, “they won’t let you do that”.  The first thing that came to mind, was who the hell are “they” that she so quickly made reference to.  

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The US Supreme Court set aside part of Enron boss Jeffrey Skilling's fraud conviction, saying it was "flawed" and unconstitutional. Also, they set aside the corporate fraud conviction of Anglo-Canadian media mogul Conrad Black and sent the case back

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The Louisiana judge who struck down the Obama administration's 6-month ban on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico reported extensive investments in the oil and gas industry, and is a new member of a secret national security court.

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Bruno - “Apparently because of the Terrorist Threat and Felony Resisting Arrest charges, as well as being referred to as ‘crazy’ and in need of ‘psyche meds’ I was treated as a ’special inmate’ and kept in shackles and solidarity isolation. They kept

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See and through the Pa Right to Know Law it was learned that the Clerk of Courts for Lackawanna County is not even in Pennsylvania.  The Clerk of Courts

Letters to the Editor • Global
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A federal appeals court on Thursday issued an emergency stay blocking, at least temporarily, the release of nine jailed Michigan militia members accused of conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati

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Nick Bravo

A couple months ago I got pulled over on my electric bicycle by nine squad cars and was written a ticket for not having insurance, no registration, and no license. I go to court again on the 19th to continue the charade in which the state violates it

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In a victory for ratings agencies, a U.S. judge on Tuesday dismissed claims against Moody's Corp and McGraw-Hill's Standard & Poor's in litigation over nearly $100 billion of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc mortgage-backed securities.

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