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Justice and Judges

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Ricardo Cortes' website

Jury Independence Illustrated is designed to excite and inform potential jurors to a specific, largely-unknown power they have – a transformative role that could radically shift the criminal justice system. [PDF download link]

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians for Freedom

Is the federal government entrusted with the duty of securing the peoples’ rights? In reality, it is the duty of the States, not the federal government, to protect the individual rights of the people. Further, only PEOPLE have rights!

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Simple Justice

Benjamin Felix is alleged by the government to be a Mexican drug kingpin. He's somebody the government really wants to convict. Felix, disinclined to be convicted, retains a lawyer on his behalf. That means the government really wants his lawyer of

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NY Times

The soccer player was granted a super-injunction, a stringent and controversial British legal measure that prevents media outlets from identifying him, reporting on the story or even from revealing the existence of the court order itself. But tens of

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After Strauss-Kahn spent nearly a week in police custody and then jail, a judge agreed to free him on $1 million cash bail plus an additional $5 million bond — provided he's confined to a NY apartment, under armed guard and electronic monitoring.

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My overall experience with the City of Tolleson Court House has been ridiculous.  On September 20, 2010 I received a citation for failure to stop at a red light.  I received my paper work in the mail and read through it thoroughly. On Fri

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Albert Florence was strip-searched twice in 7 days in 2 New Jersey jails after he was arrested on a warrant for a traffic fine he had already paid. Florence said he should never have been ordered to undress for the searches, much less been arrested.

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Becky Chandler

The never ending saga of the federal government’s determination to get Barry Bonds continues. On March 18, 2011 the perjury trial finally got underway in a federal court in San Francisco. Four years, and four million taxpayer dollars, ago I summarize

News Link • Global Reported By Becky Chandler
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Rep. Lamar Smith and Senator Chuck Grassley recently introduced legislation that, were it to go into effect, would impose mandatory sanctions for lawyers who [...]

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Bob Goodlatte, VA, and Dan Boren, OK are two names that don’t get as much play in Congressional news as an Issa or Ryan for example, but it appears that they are listening to businesses and people who have been long complaining about an issue that co

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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A former juvenile court judge who sent large numbers of children to detention centers was convicted of racketeering for taking a $1 million kickback from the builder of the for-profit lockups, in what prosecutors said was a "kids for cash" scheme tha

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English courts may restrict the public's freedom to post Twitter updates from inside hearings to avoid the risk of prejudicing trials. In some instances only members of the press - not the public - attending court may be permitted to use Twitter.

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US appeals judges have begun considering whether a 13-year-old boy accused of murder could be tried as an adult. Jordan Brown, who was 11 at the time of his alleged crime, might be imprisoned as an adult and never be released.