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Article Image, Joanna Miller

Longtime readers know that this website was defunded in June 2021. While this was incredibly stressful for the team of people that rely on The Organic Prepper as a source of income, in a perverse way, it's a badge of honor.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said yesterday that the Administration approved of Spotify's initial steps of adding warning labels to programs like Joe Rogan's, but she insisted that Spotify and other platforms must "do more" to fight "misinfo

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Stop me if you've heard this one before: A popular internet personality, beloved by millions for his irreverent, anti-establishment commentary, becomes the subject of a heated backlash after critics accuse him of promoting dangerous misinformati

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

Leftists are going ballistic over the Joe Rogan dustup at Spotify. After Rogan had a guest on his show that expounded COVID-19 viewpoints that go against what the government likes, singer Neil Young announced that he was pulling his songs from Spotif

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By James Howard Kunstler

If I remember correctly (cuz I was there) the youth movement of the 1960s was all about freedom to say pretty much anything, except yell "fire" in a crowded theater -- based on the idea that ordinary people were equipped to sort out the truth.

Article Image by QTR's Fringe Fina

This week, I had to opportunity to speak to one of my all time favorite podcasters, Tom Bodrovics from Palisades Gold Radio about my arguments from my latest article on inflation, called "Inflation Is The Kryptonite That Will End Our Decades-Long M