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2021-01-20 20:17
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Entered by: Anonymous
V for Vendetta rocks! The religious folk who say "jesus is coming to save us" is the same tactic Trump, Alex Travis types and those spreading conspiracy theories all employ. They mis-lead as many people as possible into becoming 'believers'. In other words, brainwash gullible folks into believing nonsense. Ain't nobody saving you except for your self in our opinion. In part the author of the story V for Vendetta is pointing out that it's not only important it's vital that we be freed from those false powers and untruths in order to truly be free. Live in whatever fantasy one would like but fear is simply a tool of the devil, conspiracy theorists, religious mis-leaders and the like whose aim is to serve their ulterior motives for power over as many people as possible.
2021-01-20 14:36
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
I consider the article as a fairly slick piece of status quo propaganda with a click-bait title. Business Insider readers, on a continuum, are somewhat critical thinkers -- more so than those who consume only lame stream dinosaur media. Or, maybe I'm just more attuned to picking up on such things. As an aside, the captcha wanted me to click the parking meters. BUT, it wouldn't allow me to advance until I clicked the mailbox that was clearly in a roadside country setting/field.
2021-01-17 03:31
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Entered by: Anonymous
Yes. God will CRUSH America. Try to do as this article suggests, or try to be anything like creative (like myself) and they will Cancel you quicker than you can blink. As soon as Xi Xitrump declared his upside down idiocy, I knew what was up and called him on it. Not since March have I had a friend or family member enter my mortgage-free home. Medical reasons can't drive. Will not pledge allegiance to get passport. To WHERE? Commy world.... Too old, anyway Thank God
2021-01-16 18:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
God might be so disgusted with all the abortions and other crimes, perpetrated especially by the people who govern the USA, that He won't let anything fix America. Might even be time to move out while you still have life in you to do it.
2021-01-14 23:49
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Entered by: cryptoblogsubmit
Useful Article..
2021-01-14 13:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
Thanks, Pastor Chuck. The whole Old Testament shows what happened to Israel, time and again, when they forgot God. It will be interesting to see if the people will fear Big Pharma and the Election more than they will fear God. I know for a fact that there are people praying their hearts out for God to let Trump win. Are they trusting God in their prayers, or are they simply afraid of change. Have I fought abortion murder enough? Or am I simply making excuses. Anyway, God is here taking over where His people fail. And He will protect us. Thanks, again. --- Ezekiel's Temple is similar to the one in Egypt, at the time of Egypt worshiping one God - Imhotep? - around the time of Joseph.
2021-01-11 03:33
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Entered by: Nicksjame
As a security guard representative in a building site, you consistently have to keep your eye on the assumptions in the event of vandalism and trespassing. A security officer is usually the very first to be rem1oved as it pertains to more High-scale armed security guards problems though website
2021-01-11 03:33
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Entered by: Nicksjame
As a security guard representative in a building site, you consistently have to keep your eye on the assumptions in the event of vandalism and trespassing. A security officer is usually the very first to be rem1oved as it pertains to more High-scale armed security guards problems though website
2021-01-09 20:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
The whole thing -
2021-01-09 16:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Is there any way to get enough House members to react against Trump, that they could use the 25th Amendment to shut him down, right now, before he can enact some kind of military option that he might have?
2021-01-09 12:40
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Entered by: chris gill
Strange, I was thinking of the same thing for Pelosi.... Shummer and a bunch of others
2021-01-07 15:34
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
A person can ignore reality but they cannot escape the consequences of ignoring reality. There weren't nearly as many Biden supporters as there were Trump haters that voted. You'll see few people coming out to listen to Biden. Large number of people will turn their backs to politics. And the dinosaur media will see its audience plummet. Which ultimately may be what the pols want, to be left alone to continue their criminality. That leaves old school online social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram etc) to carry on censoring to control the narratives to come. They need to totally trash Trump so he can't return for the 2024 election. We're the problem, AND, we're the solution! That's a good thing. Nothing so good as being the solution to your own problem. Government is a symptom of people seeking external authority. Reality is, you have a choice over your life, and that makes you the authority. Side note: will this be the end of The Trump Report?
2021-01-06 12:07
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
Rense is a "bit" slow on reporting the video that first appeared back in May 2020:
2021-01-04 05:19
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Entered by: origamistudio
At Origami Studios, we assign a dedicated team of UI Experts to focus on designing interfaces that are not only visually stunning but also easy to use. Pixel-perfect interfaces with vibrant colors are used to blend with your corporate branding, portraying an impressive first impression to the end-users. Our UI designers ensure user-engagement in the entire user journey to improve conversion goals.
2021-01-03 17:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
This whole Global Warming and finding a way to combat it is simply a crock. Do you remember Krakatoa, 1883? - Krakatoa threw so much "dust" and ash into the air that we had global cooling worldwide. Any time the Earth really does get too hot, all we need to do is nuke 2 or 3 of the big volcanoes, thereby causing them to erupt. Instant ice age if we aren't careful about it.
2021-01-03 17:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
Evolution continues to fail in many points, but two of them are major. These point revolve around the word "random." "Random" does not mean "spontaneous." There is nothing that we know of in the universe that rises spontaneously, all by itself, without one or more causes. Sometimes we know the cause, and sometimes we don't. True spontaneity doesn't even make sense in physics. (Continued below.)
2021-01-03 17:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
(Continued from above.) This leaves us with the understanding of what "random" really means. "Random" simply means that we don't know the cause. As far as we know, the cause could have been this, or it could have been that. Since we don't know, why don't we say it that way. We don't know that the tree of life chart is anywhere near correct or not. This means that evolution is as it always has been >>> something we don't know anything at all about.
2021-01-02 14:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
It's quite interesting that the Chinese movie "Mulan," that came out near the beginning of 2020, had a young Chinese, soldier, who was one of the major cast. How does one spell his Chinese name in the movie? IMDB spells it "Honghui" - But throughout the movie, it has a pronunciation that you would automatically think of if you read the word "Huawei." Crafty subliminal advertising?
2020-12-31 21:25
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Entered by: KimReid
DIANA LENSKA: THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028 JOHN HOPKINS FUTURE SCENARIO REPORT Document: See video: via @BitChute #SCAMdemic #Plandemic #DEATHdemic #GreatReset #WHO Future #MustSee
2020-12-29 20:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
Besides, I love my car, and I want to be just like it is. So from now on I'm calling my mask an air filter.
2020-12-27 22:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Time to make lots of money. If the reason was Covid disobedience, the money is sure. It might take a trick to handle it if it is for some other reason. FP has in the past published an article by or about the people at this site - They are the way.
2020-12-27 22:02
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Entered by: Ecneralc Eroom
Let the busterd companies go OUT of business! Riding one of them is like riding a working washing machine. They are dens of theft and we have NO need for them! Make trains available to everyone nationwide as a recognized and required public service!
2020-12-27 22:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Help us find the proper government or other form, and the place to send it to once we have filled it out? What's the form for? When you took a loan out at the bank (any/every loan), you signed a promissory note (or something similar). By doing this, you turned the note into private money that the bank swapped public money (cash or bank check) with you for. There was no loan, or if there was, you prepaid it with your signed promissory note, or else you loaned money (your promissory note) to the bank. Then, as you paid the money back over the years, you enriched the bank for nothing. All you need do is request it back in the right way. Help us find the right way, the right form, the right way to fill it out, the right place to send it.
2020-12-27 21:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
Don't get me wrong. I'm not different than most. But this is America. It isn't some place where we get together in socialism. We need to join in neighborhoods, and provide our joint diesel powered generators. Or, maybe we each should have our own. Get rid of the grid. Or save it for the poor in the big cities. And get laws changed if government won't allow you to do this. After all, CA Gov Newsom is on the recall list with better than half the signatures needed. We can get the others in government fired by recalling and electing all the legislature if they won't do what we want.
2020-12-27 08:26
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
This is rich! In the late 1990s Washington Post (WP) sued the founder, Jim Robinson, of the website (FR). Their rational was that because FR was reposting WP articles so FR members could comment on them that it was depriving WP of internet traffic. The reality was that the WP didn't want their articles to be commented on without the WP being able to moderate the comments. The New York Times joined the law suit. Anyhow, it was at that time that someone on FR created, what is perhaps the shortest meme. Simply put DemocRATS. The WP and NYT won the law suit. The result was that FR could post excerpts, not the whole article. FR had an inclusive audience/membership that tolerated (small l) libertarian ideals such as the NAP. I could see where the censorship was headed -- jump ahead to the creation of Facebook. I saw more and more websites close their comment sections in favor of the Facebook app. Centralized moderators/censors.
2020-12-26 18:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
And what makes this really fun is, the chunk of RNA they go after in the PCR test, is exactly the same as a chunk of RNA already found in every human chromosome 8 -
2020-12-25 10:07
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Entered by: chris gill
If utube did not censor unpopular thoughts I would agree with you but they are acting as an editor and should be subject to the same rules as the writer. It is one thing to get rid of Isis like stuff, things that openly call for illegal violence. but to censor opinions they don't like and allow those they do is wrong and should be responceable for it.
2020-12-21 20:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
Sidney for President - someitme? From the side, she looks a little like Hillary.
2020-12-21 20:02
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Entered by: PureTrust
What will happen, who knows. But SCOTUS isn't supposed to hear this/these cases. Why not? Here's why not. --- The Constitution says all courts are common law courts. The elections are prescribed by the Constitution. This means that SCOTUS can only hear common law questions regarding the elections. --- What's a common law court? It's a court where a man/woman opposes another man/woman. These men/women can have all kinds of counsel, but none of it can be by representation. The men/women have to be present, unrepresented. If they are represented, the court is taken out of the common law into an inferior court. Such an inferior court is not qualified to hear election law questions. Only a pure, common law court can hear such questions.
2020-12-18 10:01
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Entered by: Harold Muehlius
"air crete" Terrible audio levels - do you ever listen to your own podcasts ? music breaks drowns out voice in 3rd hr.. Scotch Tape the board level controls in the proper place and leave them alone! 12/17/20.