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The company had said in July that second-quarter results for the money transfer business were hurt by the immigration debate, as both legal and illegal immigrants feared that wiring money back to their home countries would attract government attentio

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The U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of building a fence along portions of the border with Mexico and critics said the vote had more to do with election year politics than controlling illegal immigration. The Republican-written bill, a

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Christian Science Monitor

Chicago activists marched 50 miles to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's house last weekend to protest congressional inaction over reforming immigration laws and what they say is his anti-immigrant stance. In Phoenix, protesters rallied at the state*

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NY Times

[wimps!!!!] As they prepare for a critical pre-election legislative stretch, Congressional Republican leaders have all but abandoned a broad overhaul of immigration laws and instead will concentrate on national security issues they believe play to th

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Five industry teams are competing for a $2.1 billion contract to be awarded next month to help the U.S. Department of Homeland Security beef up security along over 7,500 miles of U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada.

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Christian Science Moitor

The price tag for comprehensive immigration reform was not a key issue when the Senate passed its bill last May. But it is now. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that federal spending for this vast and complex bill would hit $127 billion over

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Elite US Border Patrol units armed with assault rifles and stun grenades may be set to play a more prominent role as authorities gain greater control over the porous border with Mexico, border police say. Little known outside law enforcement circles

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Associated Press

The U.S. Border Patrol has reactivated checkpoints on highways 80 and 90 in Cochise County that were dismantled in April after years of intermittent operation. A Kolbe spokeswoman said Friday he would withhold comment until the checkpoints' durat

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The Mexican government is not just winking at massive illegal immigration into the U.S., it is actively plotting it as a strategy at reconquest of American territories formerly under its control

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The foreign born represent 12.4 percent of the total population, up from about 11.1 percent five years ago. Almost 17 million immigrants are of Hispanic descent, according to the 2005 figures. This reflected a heavy flow of people seeking work fr

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Arizona Republic

More than 16 months after the civilian border patrol movement took root in Arizona, the co-founders of the original Minuteman Project are feuding publicly, and some former loyalists are calling for detailed accounting of the $1.8 million in donations

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The Pew Hispanic Center found no evidence that increases in immigration led to higher unemployment among Americans. Other factors, such as economic growth, played a larger role than immigration in setting the job market for Americans.

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Arizona Republic

More than half of the states in the nation have passed immigration measures this year aimed at denying undocumented immigrants access to jobs and benefits, following Arizona's lead and tackling the issue themselves. The states and some cities

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Undercover investigators entered the US using fake documents repeatedly this year — including some cases in which Homeland Security Department agents didn't ask for identification. At nine border crossings on the Mexico and Canadian borders, a

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Associated Press

A Border Patrol agent who admitted smuggling more than 100 illegal immigrants into the U.S. from Mexico, some of them in his government truck, was sentenced Friday to five years in prison.

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Arizona Republic

In the world of human smuggling, metro Phoenix has emerged as an enormous staging area where illegal immigrants are held hostage in apartments, motel rooms or rental homes until relatives pay their fees. State investigators say it is a $2 billion-

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Associated Press

A Mexican man will receive $25,000 to settle a suit he filed against the city of San Luis after he was wounded by police who fired on a van filled with illegal immigrants, the city attorney said.