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Immanuel Kant once said, "Language and religion are the dividers." It is the glory of America that religion no longer separates us, but I suggest that language is a much deeper and more intractable separating factor.” 

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Judicial Watch Blog

The nation’s most populous state is on the verge of passing a law to give special driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants who won’t meet the security standards under a federal measure designed to protect the country from terrorists. By 2011 all states must verify the authenticity of every driver’s license applicant by confirming that documents—such as a birth certificate or passport—submitted to get the card are legitimate and that the applicant is in the United States legally

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My name is Arthur W. Bell. My Wife is Airyn R. Bell. We have been Married over (3) Years now and have a (2) Year old Daughter who was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. My Wife is Philippine. In December 2006 she was given a CR1 Visa which was processed by the American Embassy in Manila, Philippines. We arrived in Las Vegas Dec 26, 2006.

In Oct 2008 (Oct 10th, 2008) we sent USCIS a I-751 with evidence of our Marriage and the fee ($545.00). My Wife went to Las Vegas and did the Bio-Metric. We were given case Number WAC0900851515. In early January 2009 we received a notice from the California service center to send MORE evidence. Within a few days we responded with much more evidence, it was RECEIVED by USCIS on Jan 15th 2009 (See POSTAL RECEIPTS - click for enlargement). Then in early March we received a notice that USCIS had not received our additional evidence and moreover that there was NO appeal and it was case CLOSED!

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Fox News

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An 8-year-old New Mexico boy has died and his 10-year-old sister was hospitalized after both contracted bubonic plague, the first recorded human plague cases in the nation so far this year. New Mexico health officials did not immediately say Thursday how the brother and sister contracted the infectious disease, but they are conducting an investigation at the family's residence to determine if there is any risk to other people.

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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When it comes to keeping federal entities like Customs and Border Protection at bay, individuals and communities in Washington State continue to lead the way. Below you'll find two articles regarding a Port Townsend, Washington resolution calling for a moratorium on Border Patrol activity in their community until the agency's un-American enforcement practices can be reviewed (and exposed for what they are).

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Washington Post

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said a comprehensive immigration bill is "going to happen this session, but I want it this year, if at all possible." Reid called it one of his 3 top priorities this year, along with health care and energy.


Those Great Society welfare queens churned out babies faster than a Ford assembly line. Each new baby gave the ‘poor’ mother a car payment, new TV, fashionable clothing, dish washer and unlimited credit. One minority woman in Detroit, Michigan, where I worked in the 70s, 80s and 90s, pumped out 24 children with more than a dozen fathers. Her first three girls birthed their own babies by age 15.

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NY Times

Youssef Samir Megahed toyed with a piece of lint on the other side of the bulletproof glass and described his case as simply “weird.” In April, a federal jury acquitted him on charges of transporting explosives during a road trip with a friend who had packed model rocket propellants in the trunk. But three days later, in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Tampa, Mr. Megahed was arrested again in connection with the case, this time by immigration authorities.

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Canwest News Service

The federal border agency is considering entering into third-party mediations with Mohawk leaders to resolve an impasse over armed border guards that has shut down the Canada-U.S. crossing on an eastern Ontario reserve


“Creation destroys as it goes, throws down one tree for the rise of another, but ideal mankind would abolish death, multiply itself millions upon millions, rear up city upon city, save every parasite alive, until the accumulation of mere existence is swollen to a horror.”

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The Freeman / Becky Akers

Knowing that the fence won’t stop immigration, that it merely allows politicians to look as though they’re fixing an issue they’ve ginned up into a crisis, must particularly gall the property owners losing homes and businesses.

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Hall's Stream of Consciousness

[click English/French translate] After the first of June, the tradition of the free exchange of people between the USA and its neighbors will end when it becomes necessary to present a document approved for the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

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Washington Post

The Obama administration is expanding a program initiated by President George W. Bush aimed at checking the immigration status of virtually every person booked into local jails. In four years, the measure could result in a tenfold increase in illegal

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KOLD News 13

"Everybody knows where it's at. They'll go around it and they'll go through it and they'll go through our neighborhoods, our backyards and put us in danger and at risk," Hembree said.