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Washington Post

The United States plans to take in a minimum of 17,000 Iraqis over the next 12 months under its refugee program, and an additional 5,000 under a special visa program for Iraqis who formerly worked for the U.S. military and embassy or their contractor


A three year old sitting on a stool licking his ice cream cone when an illegal alien barrels into the Baskin-Robbins and kills the kid. Why? Denver Mayor Hickelooper sacrificed the child's life for 'Sanctuary City Policy". But Hickenl

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A vague unease whispered through this tiny town in northeastern Iowa, where the rolling hills are a study in vivid colors – red barns, white clapboard houses, and vibrant green cornfields plowed with almost architectural precision. It drifted through

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NY Times

Mr. Ng, who had overstayed a visa years earlier, went to immigration headquarters in Manhattan last summer for his final interview for a green card, he was swept into immigration detention and shuttled through jails and detention centers in three New

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McClatchy News

For critics, the idea is an Orwellian nightmare: The federal government would begin signing off on every hiring decision made in the United States. It's the latest plan to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. The nation's

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Immigration Watchdog, Rosanna Pulido

John Mc Cain’s favorite mantras of the evening was Comprehensive Immigration Reform. He said ” My state has been enriched by the Hispanic culture in Arizona.” Then John MC Cain asked a question “Did you know this? I bet some of you did not know t

News Link • Global Reported By Veritas Vincit
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Kingman Daily Miner

GOLDEN VALLEY - On Saturday, Gianluca Zanna of Golden Valley will engage in a non-stop, 36-mile march from Kingman to Bullhead City to spread what he believes are two very important messages: Do not re-elect State Rep. Nancy McLain, and stop the NAU

News Link • Global Reported By Dawn Wilson
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These crackdowns by state and federal authorities are having their intended effect: They have combined with a sputtering economy to drive many immigrants out of the U.S., according to a forthcoming analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies.