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TAXES: Federal

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The ideals of freedom and individual sovereignty that America once stood for are nothing more than legends of the past. The discussion of citizenship and immigration, taxation and wealth taking place today serves as further evidence of this.

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Gauger
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Heaping more criticism on the unit set up to help the IRS catch tax cheats, Republican Senator Charles Grassley said Thursday's report confirms Obama "could do a lot for tax compliance by lighting a fire under the IRS on whistleblowers," Grassley sai

Article Image, Common Dreams staff

Hundreds of protesters affiliated with the "99 Percent" movement disrupted the start of General Electric Co's annual shareholders' meeting in Detroit on Wednesday, in an attack on the largest U.S. conglomerate's low tax rate.

Article Image, by Frida Berrigan

For most Americans, April is a month marked by terrible stress, paper pushing and a last minute mad dash to get the taxes finished before April 15 (or the 17th, this year).

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Efforts to pass a bill that would allow the IRS to deny travel rights to U.S. citizens who the feds merely claim owe $50,000 or more in delinquent taxes represents a de facto move to revoke the citizenship of Americans without due process and in comp

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USA Today

Some Americans spend their tax refunds on high-tech gadgets and long-awaited vacations. Others use the cash to file for bankruptcy. More than 200,000 money-strapped households will use their tax refunds this year to pay for bankruptcy filing and lega
