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Religion: Non-Believers - Atheists

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On October 25, 1989 Senator John Glenn, D-Ohio was taping a television interview following a tree-planting ceremony at the Smithsonian Institution. Suddenly, a well-dressed man walked up and punched the Senator square on the jaw.   The assailant, Michael John Breen, 31, was promptly arrested after being detained by a stunned Glenn. Breen later told authorities that in recent months he had dreams revealing future events, and that he only hit Glenn to gain attention for his revelations. Among these revelations was a vision of a massive earthquake in California which the government knew about but refused to warn residents of.   An affidavit filed in U.S. District Court said Breen told officials that he was "guided" by God to try to alert Vice President Quayle about the coming events during a visit to the Capitol.   According to police reports, Mr. Breen was charged with assaulting a member of Congress, a felony, and was held for psychiatric

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McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — A California Republican congressman wants to do a little writing on the walls of Washington's newest federal building. If Rep. Dan Lungren gets his way, Congress will spend nearly $100,000 to engrave the words "In God We Trust" and the Pledge of Allegiance in prominent spots at the Capitol Visitor Center.

News Link • Global Reported By Lola Flores
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Arizona Coalition of Reason (ArizonaCOR)

(Publisher: And we can always count on the claim that there are Individuals, Organizations, Nations and/or various collectives with God’s “Power of Attorney”. This is a sure sign of individual rights being set aside for the benefit of a collective that is trumpeted to be under constant threat. And this is the push back that was to be expected. There are those that are in touch with a spiritual aspect of their life that are just as much a victim of 'Religion' as atheists. Bring on the discussion :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Secret! Burn after reading! "Don't believe in god? your not alone" billboard will go up very soon. Jim Lippard, ArizonaCOR Media Representive

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