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Transportation: Air Travel

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RealityReport.TV | KSTP Minneapolis reports: Former governor Jesse Ventura never shied away from a battle during his one term as Minnesota's chief executive. Now, as a "television performer," as he describes himself in a new lawsuit, the former p

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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The Boeing 787 program also marks a departure from its own time-honored manufacturing practices by leading a global team of suppliers and engineers who make components that Boeing workers in the United States put together.

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Missed flights only inconvenience most people. A late flight landed Utah gun owner Greg Revell in jail for 10 days after he got stranded in New Jersey with an unloaded firearm he had legally checked with his luggage in Salt Lake City. The Supreme

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A fed. judge has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security can keep images produced by x-ray body scanners out of the public domain, in a blow to privacy group The Electronic Privacy Information Center’ s (EPIC) efforts to release more than 2k

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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James Babb

On January 6th, 2011, the Electronic Privacy Information Center hosted a conference called "The Stripping of Freedom: A Careful Scan of TSA Security Procedures" ( The event was held at the Carnegie Institute for Science

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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Wisconsin authorities say former talk show host and medical marijuana activist Montel Williams has been cited for possession of drug paraphernalia at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee. The Milwaukee County sheriff's office says t

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ABC News (video)

The airline pilot who lost his federally-issued gun and badge for posting video on YouTube critical of airport security has chosen to go public with his identity. "My name is Chris Liu and I'm an airline pilot," Liu said. Liu's cell phone video tour

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Terrence Aym

First the military flew unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), next it will be cargo planes and finally commercial passenger aircraft. Aviation experts fully automated airliners in the foreseeable future--once the subject of speculative pulp fiction of the