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Politics: General Activism

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Great job, I read FP every day and appreciate all the good work you folks are doing down there.  Keep it up.  These bastards cant survive in the light.  We are waking more sleepers every day.  Soon, very soon it will reach a criti

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MSNBC's Keith Olbermann accepted an invitation to appear on ABC's The View on Monday, he may have felt he had ample reason to be nervous. "Wish me good luck," he told his audience in announcing the upcoming inquisition.

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Dear Ron Paul Revolutionaries, This incredible new pamphlet, "COMMON SENSE; Revisited", deals with the crucial issue of who holds the power; government or the people? This pamphlet clearly explains the difference between indigenous po

Letters to the Editor • Global
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There was major political theater involving President Bush’s former chief of staff Karl Rove. A protestor tried to arrest Rove for treason Tuesday morning while he was speaking at the Mortgage Bankers Association Convention, continuing in San Francis
