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The Newspaper

The data showed that, overall, any motorist who is stopped had a 46% of receiving a ticket with an average cost of $122. The chance of being ticketed jumped an additional 51% for those holding an out-of-state license. They also received larger fines.

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Records of every trip motorists take on California's FasTrak system is fair game for divorce attorneys and others. The device records the location, date and time a vehicle equipped with a transponder passes a tolling checkpoint. The data is held

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The city of Springfield, Missouri prepared for the installation of a red light camera system by slashing the yellow warning time by one second at 105 intersection signals across the city. A one-second reduction in yellow time resulted in a 100% incre

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Because ATS offered a contract option guaranteeing a positive revenue stream, the company won't operate the devices at low-profit locations. The city asked ATS to test safer intersections to see if it could find more lucrative locations to operat

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France's TGV fast train smashed the world speed record on rails. The experimental train, equipped with 2 souped-up locomotives and extra-large wheels, hit a top speed of 357.2 MPH as it hurtled along a specially prepared stretch of track e

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Coming soon to a minivan near you: Satellite television. DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group announced limited satellite TV service for its 2008 Dodge and Chrysler minivans and several other models, continuing its plan to turn the family cruise


Illegal Mexican aliens take jobs away from Americans in every sector of this society while overloading our schools, hospitals and prisons. Two weeks ago, President Bush signed a bill to allow over 10,000 Mexican 18 wheeler truck drivers free access t

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Despite the impact on everyday users of the road, the state Department of Transportation has refused requests from state House Appropriations Committee, state Representatives, the media and the public for copies of relevant documents.

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Washington, DC's photo enforcement cameras have fallen into disrepair with twenty-three of fifty cameras inoperable. Additionally, at least two cameras have fallen out of calibration & their location has been kept secret for fear the tickets woul

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The Southampton, UK Crown Court ruled last week that a speed camera trap that raised £330,000 (US $640,000) in revenue over four months had illegally prosecuted motorists. Barrie Wells, 62, and Michael Halliwell, 63, were both acquitted of speeding o

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Detroit Free Press

In what might be the start of an exciting technological future for cars and trucks, Ford Motor Co. and software giant Microsoft Corp. are expected to jointly announce that new Windows Automotive software soon will be available in Ford vehicles.

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Press of Atlantic City

[expanded mission] Federal Homeland Security officials want to prevent terrorist attacks on trains in part by increasing train-car inspections and keeping the cars in more secure areas when not in use. [Dems don't think the repression goes far en