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From here on out, say a growing chorus of experts, America will pay a price for maintaining its 45-year trade ban with the communist nation - a strategic and economic price that will have negative repercussions for the US in the decades to come.

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Cuba is drilling for oil 60 miles off the coast of Florida with help from China, Canada and Spain even as Congress struggles to end years of deadlock over drilling for what could be a treasure trove of offshore oil and gas.

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Nationwide gas prices hit an all-time high in the last two weeks, rising nearly 2 cents to just over $3 per gallon, according to a survey released Sunday. The national average for self-serve regular stood at $3.0150 a gallon Friday, up 1.98 cents

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The Guardian

President Vladimir Putin is set to keep US oil companies out of a lucrative gas field in the latest sign of the deteriorating relationship between Moscow and Washington. The Russian leader after failing to secure backing from the US for his country**

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Ethanol is far from a cure-all for the nation's energy problems. It's not as environmentally friendly as some supporters claim and would supply only 12 percent of U.S. motoring fuel even if every acre of corn were used.

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Standard & Poor

Interest in adding new nuclear power plants to U.S. electric generation capacity has gained considerable momentum in the past year. The last nuclear plant was ordered more than 30 years ago, in 1973. But several factors have combined to generate a cl

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New York Times

In a milestone for nuclear power, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a license late Friday, to a European consortium to build a uranium enrichment plant in New Mexico. It was the first time the NRC had licensed an enrichment plant

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When technology entrepreneur Martin Roscheisen was looking for the next big thing in 2001, the Internet wasn't part of his plans. Instead, he looked to the field of solar photovoltaics [PV], specifically at work being done by a small, government-

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Associated press

City officials in Champaign and Urbana took notice when they heard that an ethanol plant proposed nearby would use about 2 million gallons of water per day, most likely from the aquifer that also supplies both cities. "There was concern about

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Associated Press

With the market for corn-based ethanol booming, lawmakers from sugar-producing U.S. states are hoping that beet and cane growers can soon jump onto the renewable fuel bandwagon. They cite the model of Brazil, which produces ethanol made from sugar

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The US urgently needs an effort similar to the Manhattan Project or NASA's moon mission to confront a looming energy crisis, scientists said. "A sense of urgency is needed like the Manhattan Project or sending a man to the moon," Bu

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USA Today

More than a hundred years later, instability is roiling world oil markets, and Americans are paying $3 a gallon for gas. And oil shale fever is again rising in northwestern Colorado and parts of Wyoming and Utah.

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With high gas prices making alternative fuels increasingly attractive, no alternative fuel has received as much attention as ethanol. Some hail the fuel, which can be derived from plants including corn, wheat, barley and sugarcane, as a savior of Ame