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U.S. consumers will pay record prices for gasoline this spring, with national monthly pump costs peaking near $3.50 per gallon when the busy driving season begins, the government's top energy forecasting agency said.

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But most of the world's major fields, found decades ago, are in decline. The "easy oil" has all been found, leading oil companies and producer nations to search for ever more difficult-to-tap fields....

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Crude oil prices soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, reaching that milestone amid an unshakeable view that global demand for oil and petroleum products will outstrip supplies.

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Guardian Unlimited

"We are aiming to make solar power stations up to 10MW in size. They can be up and running in six to nine months compared to 10 years or more for coal-powered stations and 15 years for nuclear plants."

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Guardian Unlimited

"We are aiming to make solar power stations up to 10MW in size. They can be up and running in six to nine months compared to 10 years or more for coal-powered stations and 15 years for nuclear plants."

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Once the factory they built in San Jose is up to full production capacity, it will be cranking out more solar panels than every other U.S. plant combined -- 430 megawatts worth.

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[The smartest people in the world.] Majority Democrats plan to include the requirement in broader energy legislation to be debated in the context of $90-per-barrel oil, $3-plus pump prices and growing concerns about climate change. The House plans to

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By MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Business Writer

The Mountain View-based company initially hopes to harvest cleaner-burning electricity to meet its own needs and sell power to other users or license the technology that emerges from its initiative

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Nanosolar has created a solar coating that is the most cost-efficient solar energy source ever. Their PowerSheet cells contrast the current solar technology systems by reducing the cost of production to 30 cents per watt. Making solar power cheaper t

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Daily Telegraph

The authors' reactor generated hydrogen gas at efficiencies up to 99% of the theoretical maximum yield. "This process produces 288 per cent more energy in hydrogen than the electrical energy that is added to the process," says Prof Loga

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Tree Hugger

For developing countries like China, the technology could be crucial to bringing wind power to places where it is currently un-utilized and perhaps too costly to build. For the developed world it could make wind much cheaper, and turbines at home a r

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BBC News

China is set to become the world's largest consumer of energy by about 2010, according to a study by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

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Just in time for Halloween comes the news that homeowners have a vampire-like threat to their electric bills looming within their homes. And, like the fictional vampires, this threat has to be invited into the home by the homeowners themselves.

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Calderón said in his Sept. 2 address that the country held proven reserves that could last nine years. Venezuela, the second-biggest oil producer in Latin America, has reserves to keep pumping at current levels for more than a century.

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