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New York Times

Four Western oil companies are in the final stages of negotiations this month on contracts that will return them to Iraq, 36 years after losing their oil concesion to nationalization as Saddam Hussein rose to power. Exxon Mobil,Shell,Total and BP

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Toyota is struggling to keep up with booming demand for its hybrid vehicles because it can't make enough of the batteries that are key parts in the hit "green" cars. The crunch is likely to remain the rest of the year, as battery produc

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[Pretty bad when the President of Iraq is the truth teller.] The current high price of oil is artificial and the market is well supplied with crude, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said pinning the blame on the sliding dollar. "The rise in

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The Sun Devils will become sun harvesters after embarking on the largest-scale solar energy project of any university in the nation. Officials contracted three energy companies — Honeywell Building Systems, Independent Energy Group and SolEquity — to

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Alternative Energy

Mother Earth News recently featured an extensive article covering instructions on building your own small-scale solar heating system for as low as $30. The system successfully supplies enough power to keep the building’s interior comfortable in near-

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Alternative Energy

Dutch MK1 prototype is designed to travel at speeds up to 30 knots per hour! In 2006 the Delft Technical University Solarboat Team raced the speedboat to first place in the Nuon Frisian Solar Challenge.

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NEW YORK (AP) - Oil prices made their biggest single-day leap ever Friday—clearing $139, dragging the Dow Jones industrials down nearly 400 points and raising the once-unthinkable prospect of $150 oil and even higher gas prices by the Fourth of July.

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"They have nibbled; they haven't bitten," he said. But he said foreign car makers have pursued the firm's technology "aggressively."

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What is really worrying Germans, though, is the fear that this "oil price madness," as Germany's mass-circulation daily Bild calls it, could become a permanent condition. In the past, energy prices would shoot up but then drop again...

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Every time Sohaila Rezazadeh rings up a sale at her Exxon station on Chain Bridge Road in Oakton, her cash register sends the information to Exxon Mobil’s central computers. If she raises the price of gasoline a couple of pennies, chances are that Ex

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Along a dusty two-lane highway in California's Mojave Desert, 550,000 mirrors point skyward to make steam for electricity. Google Inc., Chevron Corp. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. are betting this energy will become cheaper than coal.

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Daily Reckoning

Has oil hit its peak price or not? The answer to that question leads us to ask whether or not commodities are a bubble about to burst. Barron’s recent cover story on commodities came down on the side that the party was over. I don’t put a lot of fait

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Hirsch told the Business & Media Institute the $12-$15 a gallon wasn’t his prediction, but that he was citing Charles T. Maxwell, described as the “Dean of Oil Analysts” and the senior energy analyst at Weeden & Co. Hirsch admitted the high price was

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Paul Sankey, an analyst at Deutsche Bank Securities in New York said in an interview with Bloomberg radio. ``What we have to do is keep pricing the commodity higher until demand starts falling,'' which ``is around $150 a barrel.''

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The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.

Home Grown Food