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Economy - Economics USA

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...I want to recommend Bill Bonner's Hormageddon as strongly as I can. Bill does what a real economist is supposed to do: he describes the way the world actually works. And in the process, debunks all manner of nonsense. This book is an education in

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A recent Fed paper reports that the Fed's wild money printing orgy has failed to produce much CPI inflation because "consumers are hoarding money". It is said that this explains why so-called "money velocity" is low.

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Simple Justice

WHO runs the world's most lucrative shakedown operation? Yes, that's right. Of course it's the United States of America, our beloved government doing what it has to do to regulate business so that it meets the great many rules that we demand o

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Free Press Publications

It began as an epic family feud with seemingly everyone in New England taking sides. CNN reports, ?The dispute began in June when the company?s board replaced [Arthur T.] Demoulas, who was beloved for his leadership but had long feuded with his cousi

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry
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? The industry's wages have stagnated at an extremely low level. Restaurant workers' median wage stands at $10 per hour, tips included?and hasn't budged, in inflation-adjusted terms, since 2000. For nonrestaurant US workers, the median hourly wage

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The Status Quo is desperate to mask the declining fortunes of those who earn income from work, and the Misery Index 2.0 strips away the phony facade of bogus unemployment and inflation numbers.

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The pace of new home sales fell 2.4% to an annualized rate of 412,000 units in July.

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Not only are government policies putting more people out on the streets, but they are systematically creating an economic and legal environment that does immense harm to those who cannot afford housing. Don't believe me?

Article Image, By Eric Peters

The work-to-reward ratio has been in steady decline for decades, but may have shifted decisively and perhaps irreversibly since the bottom fell out in 2008.

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The Daily Absolute Demand Index is something I follow, but in the 5 years I have followed this website the chart has never looked like this. Be advised, soft uncontrolled landings at 1,000 MPH do not exist. 2005 equaled 100 on this chart.

Home Grown Food