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Science, Medicine and Technology

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The engineering problem reduces to building stackable rings, each individually able to have neutral to positive buoyancy. This can be achieved by the expedient of oil filled bladders held in U shaped

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Supervolcanoes and cosmic impacts get all the terrible glory for causing mass extinctions, but a new theory suggests lowly algae may be the killer behind the world's great species annihilations. Today, just about anywhere there is water, there ca

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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A new idea for a large substation based in Clovis, New Mexico has the potential to solve one of the biggest hurdles to clean energy growth: transmission. The SuperStation, as its being called, would link the three largest grids - the east, west and T

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Chemists at Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho State University have invented a way to manufacture highly precise, uniform nanoparticles to order. The technology, Precision Nanoparticles, has the potential to vastly improve the solar cell and furthe

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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This is something to get up for if you have a good watching post to use. It will be there for Wednesday through Friday. The second link shows where to look, but just left of Orion is more than good enough.

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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A new analysis from a team at the National Solar Observatory suggests that we may be in more than just an unusually long dry spell between sunspot cycles. The team measured the strength of the magnetic fields in the center of sunspots using infrared

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein
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Multi-frac horizontals are a "game changer" for oil and gas drilling because of their potential to increase recoveries from established plays. The technology is unlocking tens of thousands of barrels of oil per day in Canada and hundreds of thousands

News Link • Global Reported By robert klein