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Drug War

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Lew Rockwell blog

Mayor Ford even gives out his cell phone number to voters, to call him any time about problems with city services or taxes. He eschews a chauffeur and other city perks, all in the name of keeping spending down for the average taxpayer.

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Stateless Statements

The remarkable story of jailed New Hampshire marijuana activist Rich Paul has become widely shared and justifiably celebrated in the past year or so since his troubles with the state first began. His story has been diligently covered by a variety of

News Link • Global Reported By Nicholas Shankin
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There is no doubt that paranoia is warranted. Indeed, paranoia is the name of the game in the underground economy. When dealing in “crimes” that could get you locked away in a cage for years with no expectation of being treated as a human,

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New York Post

What a bunch of butt-heads! The City Council voted Wednesday to raise the age for buying tobacco and e-cigarettes from 18 to 21 — without bothering to restrict the sale of pipes and bongs that are used to smoke marijuana.

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Jonathan Turley

increasing revenue acquired through car searches and seizures. Some of these stops are thinly disguised drug checkpoints where a sobriety stop quickly turns to questions about drugs and drug money....

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Public opinion now decisively favors legalizing marijuana. Fifty-eight percent of Americans want the war on pot to stop.

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We would like to invite you all to participate in our first event as Arizona's state chapter-NORML Harvest Fest. We have a great line up of bands both from Arizona and coming in from California to help. Some of these guys are donating their time to
