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Drug War

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Free Press Publications

On January 2, Ed Krayewski from Reason wrote, “[New Year's Day] marked the beginning of a legal market in recreational marijuana in Colorado, the first time government-licensed shops have ever sold marijuana anywhere in the world.” There is, howe

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry

Joining a growing group of states that have loosened restrictions on marijuana, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York plans this week to announce an executive action that would allow limited use of the drug by those with serious illnesses, state officials

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Simple Justice

As New Year’s Eve approaches, preparations are made by police across the nation to block the paths of cars. No longer is it limited to drivers who sipped more than the Mothers Against Stuff They Don’t Like think they should, but to those who may hav

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"I'm a good judge" … said judge Gisele Pollack who, it seems, sentenced people to jail because of their drug use…while she, herself, was high on drugs. But, in her defense, "she’s had some severe personal tragedy in her life". And that's why, i

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I recently had the privilege of joining three jury nullification heavyweights on a panel hosted by the International Drug Policy Reform Conference. The discussion focused on how strategic jury nullification can be used to dismantle the War on Drugs.

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Police in Riverside County, have been running an undercover sting investigation in a local school to hunt down small time teenage drug vendors and users. The semester long operation resulted in the arrest of 25 different teenagers, all of whom

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Lew Rockwell blog

"Knock and announce" police raids are on the rise. They are estimated to occur as many as 40,000 – 50,000 per year. Back in the 1970s, military-style police raids used to be a rare event, occurring only a few hundred times per year.

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Utah resident Virginia Ward cried on November 18 as she was sentenced to 90 days in jail – and three years of probation -- for drug trafficking.

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by William N. Grigg (Pro Liberate)

Utah resident Virginia Ward cried as she was sentenced to 90 days in jail – and 3 years of probation -- for drug trafficking. This meant that she would join the large and ever-growing population of prisoners she helped to create as a former Judge.

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Consider, for example, the widely held idea that drug use causes crime. Statistics show that in 35 cities monitored by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2000, at least 50 percent of adult men arrested for crimes tested positive for drugs. That’s enou