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Drug War

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Next News Network

The Food and Drug Administration will review the status of cannabis as a schedule 1 drug. A request for a review was filed with the agency by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The FDA still considers cannabis to have no medical benefit. Howeve

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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The world of DMT is incredibly vast. What DMT opens in us is so profound that it is impossible to truly express. I have been making, using, and initiating people into DMT use, for around 40 years. I was the one who first discovered that the free-base

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by William N. Grigg (Lew Rockwell blog)

Reduced to its essence, the defendants' supposed crime was to provide a substance legally recognized as medicine to people who needed it – most of whom were senior citizens with chronic pain or similar condition – through free exchanges at a rate the

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Next News Network

The House of Representatives in Washington passed a resolution that would end all funding for federal raids on legal medical marijuana dispensaries. The move came as an amendment to a little-noticed bill, sponsored by Sam Farr, a Democrat, and Re

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Legal cannabis sales in the United States are projected to reach as high as $2.57 billion this year, split among the 21 states that allow the sale of some form of marijuana. That's up from $1.53 billion a year ago. As time goes on, the marijuana ind

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Free Press Publications

At the end of May, the US House of Representatives made headlines for voting on an amendment that would restrict the Drug Enforcement Agency from obstructing state industrial hemp programs, and from cracking down on medical marijuana facilities. An e

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry
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Jonathan Turley

Broward Circuit Judge Lynn Rosenthal was arrested for DUI after she not only struck a car while driving drunk but it turned out to be a cruiser of the Broward County Sheriff's Department. She is the third such judge in the county to be arrested.

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Simple Justice

“She was having a conversation with a female agent, and trying to give the agents the lock code,” Ilana Lipsen claimed. Then this one agent charged at her, threw her, kicked her legs out from under her, and when she was falling,