Once Upon a Time
• http://www.lewrockwell.com, By David HathawayThis story is fiction. Once upon a time, there was an FBI Agent, Bob, and an ATF Agent, Sam, that didn't know each other.
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This story is fiction. Once upon a time, there was an FBI Agent, Bob, and an ATF Agent, Sam, that didn't know each other.
Obama admin ramps up targeting of political enemies
The American military's expansion to the continent poses significant challenges to democratization and domestic security
Throughout the Cold War, the proponents of the national-security state assured us that the only reason the United States needed to adopt this totalitarian-like apparatus was because of the international communist conspiracy emanating from the Soviet
Fifth Straight Month of Rising Violence in 2014
Imagine if our country was the genuine recipient of an attack by rogue, extra-governmental outside invaders. If the state had a sincere desire to locate and prosecute the culprits, it would recognize the absurdity of using torture to achieve its end
Imagine if our country was the genuine recipient of an attack by rogue, extra-governmental outside invaders. If the state had a sincere desire to locate and prosecute the culprits, it would recognize the absurdity of using torture to achieve its end
As we noted yesterday, President Obama is saying he is contemplating arming and training Syrian rebels (just the 'moderates' which will be identified by their smiles).
If the United States Government were governed by the laws it makes for the rest of us, California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher would be in prison.
After the attack on Iraq a frequently heard comment from those with no interest in foreign affairs or much, from activists, journalists and political observers of all hues, was: “Soon no American or British citizen will be safe anywhere on earth, for
Beijing Has Started New 'Anti-Terror' Checks On The Subway, And The Lines Are Like Nothing You've Ever Seen
For decades, Rohrabacher has been a prominent supporter of radical Islamist terrorist organizations allied with the CIA – from elements of the Afghan Mujahadeen in the 1980s to the bizarre Iranian Islamo-Leninist cult called
If I had to bet, I think I’d put my money on some type of “cyberwar” event coming in the not-too-distant future. But whether it’s that or something else, a new terror will be coming. That much is more or less inevitable.
However, today he learned that Inspector Matthew Gilbert, the cop who visited his home and whose business card is below, paid a visit to his mother at the church she volunteers to further the intimidation process.
If I had to bet, I think I’d put my money on some type of “cyberwar” event coming in the not-too-distant future.
Assailants in 2 SUVs plowed through shoppers while setting off explosives on a busy street market in China's volatile northwestern region of Xinjiang on Thursday killing 31 people and injuring more than 90.
Looking for Crisis Actors for June 27th,28th & 29th.
‘A lot more terror attacks coming our way:’ former NSA chief Gen. Keith Alexander, warned The New Yorker
The Big Secret Behind the Spying Program
Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyers have asked the judge in the case to determine if a flood of leaks and public comments by law enforcement officers are prejudicing the defendant’s right to a fair trial.
The violent behavior of the soldier videotaped aiming his rifle at a Palestinian teen, setting off a storm in the media, especially the social media — was not exceptional.
Sarah Palin recently told an assembled crowd that if she were president of the United States, "Waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists." The former Alaska governor first spoke out against the Obama Administration and Democrats in Washingt
The world media calls this a "kidnapping" in Nigeria. It is not a "kidnapping." It is the face of Jihad, the way of Jihad. Boko Haram are not holding these girls for ransom, they are not willing to return them for money. They already view the gir
The kidnappers pulled up in a pickup truck outside the Taj barbershop in an upscale neighborhood here in the Yemeni capital. One held an AK-47 assault rifle and the other carried a stun gun. As the men went inside, nearby shopkeepers heard shots.
Ernie Wayne terTelgte is a poor man from a tiny village in Montana who believes that nature gives him a license to live. Barack Obama is a wealthy and privileged man residing at the seat of power who believes his position gives him a license to kill.
Within just a few hours, 3 of the top 4 most post powerful politicians in the country unabashedly revealed the low opinion they have of liberty and the American people and a willingness to persecute, prosecute and lie to those who advocate and
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report
At least 105 people were killed and 127 more were wounded today when bombers struck deep into the Shi’ite south again.
In a speech earlier this week, Lisa O. Monaco, President Barack Obama’s assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, insisted that American parents must be vigilant because their “confrontational” children could be on the verge of becoming t