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Worried about the latest round of hostilities in the Middle East? No problem — just kick back and tune in to "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," which can make you forget, just for a few minutes, how miserable everything is.

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Ever since the post-World War II grafting of the national-security apparatus onto America's governmental structure, the assumption of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA has been that Americans who oppose national-security state policies and practic

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For months now, one of the top stories worldwide has been the Islamic State seizing huge portions of Iraq and Syria. Now, their revolt is flexing it's way into neighboring Lebanon. The Sunni military group ISIS is known in the middle east for their

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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More than a dozen years passed since 9/11 and now, some US officials are sending out some rather ominous warnings about another potential similar attack. Nearly a dozen airplanes recently turned up missing, stolen by terrorists in Libya. The Islamist

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Last month, we told you about the United States using Human Rights organizations to plot against other countries. The Obama administration sent several undercover Latin teenagers into Cuba to incite political uprising. The whole plan was a catastroph

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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We just learned that ISIS has beheaded a SECOND American journalist. Florida-native Steven Sotloff is the latest victim of the brutal murder. ISIS uploaded another video showing his gruesome death. He was the same American seen in the end of the firs

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom