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Soft drink giant PepsiCo recently announced its plans to stop sweetening Diet Pepsi with aspartame in response to growing consumer concern, yet the company, regulators and many medical authorities say the potential detrimental effect of the artificia

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For years we have been told that coffee is bad for us, but the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has unveiled strong evidence that drinking three to five cups a day is harmless and can even counteract some severe illnesses

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Whether it's acne, dryness, eczema, or premature aging, most of us have experienced feeling dissatisfied with the health or appearance of our skin.

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Big news has hit the press! PepsiCo announced on April 24th that it will no longer sell Diet Pepsi made with aspartame in the United States.

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Is it right to force people to do a good thing? Does it even work? Here at True Activist, we have been writing a lot about the recent fall of fast food, it turns out that the public is beginning to learn more about the food they are eating and they a

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior scientist at MIT has declared that we are facing an epidemic of autism that may result in one half of all children being affected by autism in ten years. She cites Monsanto's Roundup, as the culprit...

Article Image,By Food Babe

I have to confess, I’m not a beer drinker, but there’s someone in my household that loves it, so I had to figure out the truth.