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FOX News: Hannity Abuses Rep. Ron Paul || [May 15th Debate]

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Then Ron Paul "B Slaps" Hannity (Video - of Hannity meeting his match,... Freaky "A"+)

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Morpheus
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Hannity's show airs weekdays 3-6PM EST, 2-5PM CST.

The number is 800.941.7326. lets call him! When you ask some one a question let them answer. Don't be rude and interupt!

Comment by Fascist Nation
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When Rudy did his attention getter, I knew that Ron Paul was going to get some attention ... and this was great. I greatly admire Paul's manner, well spoken arguments and common sense in answering questions. Only good can come from the media's attempts to trip him up, as Dr. Paul is not a man tripped up readily. His debate skills are serving him well. They have gone from ignoring him, to belittling him, to suggesting maybe he should run as an Independent cause he ain't a real Republican, to now a first stage confrontation and there attack ain't working. What is next? The bribe? The audit? The ruling? One must look at the dirty tricks pulled by the Republican elite against Goldwater in 64 and Reagan in 76 (and unsuccessfully in 80) to see what they will do next.